Veiled Male/Female/Age..Help


okay so about a month ago I bought my veiled from breeders and i meant to get a boy but now that I think of it I just chose one that they had and i paid them for the amount of a boy (their girls were cheaper)
so I forgot to ask the age -_-
and i threw away the cup he was in to see if he was a male/female..
(i'll call him a he for the story)
but anyways anytime I try to get him hes been very mean/hissing/puff up
ive even seen him head bob when i annoyed him last time.(not sure if females do that)
umm my camera sucks (ipod) so maybe someone could give me a pic of tarsal spurs on babys cause hes not really an adult i could take a pic of him for age but if i get close to his feet you probably wont be able to help me with a pic :]
maybe you can tell his age by these pics or if you need a pic with him on a ruler or my hand for size please ask..he is in a small reptibreeze btw these 3 pics are from today
as you can tell if i take a pic of his foot it would be pretty blurry
looks to be about 5 months or so and without a better pic id say girl based on the tail and shape of the casque hope that helps if you cant see any kind of small white bump on the back of the foot its a girl :)
looks to be about 5 months or so and without a better pic id say girl based on the tail and shape of the casque hope that helps if you cant see any kind of small white bump on the back of the foot its a girl :)

It doesn't have to be "white". It normally is the same color as the chameleon lol.

Take a pic of the back feet. Very easy to tell with veiled cham's.
It doesn't have to be "white". It normally is the same color as the chameleon lol.

Take a pic of the back feet. Very easy to tell with veiled cham's.
i told you if i do my camera sucks so you wont be able to see and if its a girl do girls head bob or puff and his cause mine is being territorial
okay i took a video of me trying to get him out for pics of his foot (yes he did scare me:rolleyes:)

but i tried and my camera is to blurry you cant even make out anyting -_- so heres a vid to show him puffing up/hissing and his size

First off, got to say that when you jumped it did make me laugh. Try moving slower to him and approach from underneath instead of above or straight toward. Time and patience and you should be able to handle the little bugger soon. If he hasn't eaten lately try to coax him with a small worm of some type or his favorite bug.

As far as telling sex, when he is against the screen like that try and get a look at the back feet. You'll be able to tell if there are spurs there or not, they can't be missed.

hmm so if it looks like a boy in the video but i dont really think i see spurs his/her little foot on the male pic is that how big they are on "babies"?
but yea my cham when he is mad he has a load of black stripings
and as you can tell he/she is pretty mean :rolleyes:
are females this mean? and is there other ways to sex chams?
my lil cham is cage aggressive but once i get her out she is fine its just getting her out is a pain lol she does the same as yours does with the hissing and puffing and trying to bite me i have learned putting white socks on your hands help or atleast it has worked with mine lil girl lol.
At such a young age (i'm guessing 3 months), you cant really determine sex from coloration. You can though determine the sex from the tarsal spur, as previously stated.

Very well aware of tarsal spurs, been raising veileds for over 10 years and my bet is still a male!
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