Veiled not eating in over a week

Thank you for the wishes. I do have liquid calcium. But I had to force her a worm today and feel that I will have to do more forcing later on as well. I moved her outside for the day and did a warm 20 min misting, but she didn't seem to drink. She ate 2 wax worms yesterday but didn't seem interested in any horned or supers.
Re: moving the can move them if you are careful not to turn them while you are doing it. (Top must stay up.)

Re: eggs and the shape and number of them. If the vet is referring to round as compared to oval for shape, follicles (early stage of the egg that has not ovulated yet) are round and eggs are oval and there may be some that are not quite round...moving towards oval too. This should be normal. I just hope she has laid all the eggs.
Leedslad88 thank you for your wishes.. I have read your recent thread as well and I too wish you luck and the best for your boy!
Kinyonga I will attempt to move them if I can find vermiculite at home depot. I checked on them today and they do look yellowish so far so I will continue to wait. As far as what the vet was talking about with the shape n count honestly my eye is not trained at but he and I were on two different pages as far as what we saw on that X-ray. I didn't see the number he saw nor the different shapes. He seems lik an ok vet but sees things differently in some cases compared tp things I've read on this site and on other trusted sites. But he was very helpful in his own way. I live in long island NY and as far as I know there are only 2 well spoken of exotic vets here. And they are currently not available. So he was my closest option.

Update on my girl: she ate a few small crix but seemed slow and not too reactive. I gave her excessive misting twice today but did not see her drink. But hopefully I missed it!
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