Very Lathargic Panther


Avid Member
Hello Everyone,

I have a friend of mine who has a Blue Barred Female Panther, she is Verrrrrry Lathargic not moving laying low on the branches. She id not dehydrated but I told him he should give her some showers to see if she perks up. If anyone has any suggestions on her please let me know! I'm going out to see him tomorrow I want to be prepaired! All suggestions are welcome!!

Thanks Kayla
Not enough info to make any kind of accurate guesses.

Need info on what kind of setup she's in, feeding, watering, etc.

She could be too hot, too cold, too humid, not enough water, not enough supplements, MDB, getting ready to lay eggs and not having a bin, stressed, etc...
I think Kshook knows the drill on the how to ask, hes been here for quite a while.

Well I think it could possibly be MBD how long has he been using the uvb tube? they expire after 6 months or so.
My next thought is that maybe she is cold, whats the ambient temperature in there? And maybe she is to weak because of the cold to move into a warmer spot so just see whats up and let us know, maybe I can help

good luck
you pretty much know it could be a few things, i think its great you are so concerned you are trying to get any ideas. You most likely have more of an idea of whats going on than any on here, and plus you'll know way more when you see the panther yourself.

good luck keep us posted.

ps. did anything stick out to as the prob cause?
Okay here's what I know of his care...First off She's in with a Male..There just under a yr old, I've told him several times to seperate them, which is what were doing tomorrow. As for the UV bulb he uses the Coil..Ahh no good..I've told him to change that to, not sure how long he has had that for?...but has not changed that yet :( Supplimenting not sure of his schedule on that, but he does have them, I'll talk to him about that tomorrow. Water is a big issue...He does not have a dripper...... :( and he just mists them from what I see a couple times a day..he uses that as his humidity and water source...which is why I told him to put her some showers. I told him he needed a dripper for a water source for them. Sorry I'm limited on info..but if you have any ideas off of what I've told you I'm open to everything! And..they doont appear dehydrated, there eyes are nice and plump...but she does not move much, she is weak when I held her over the weekend... :( Poor Girl! Anyways let me know what you think!
I would bet she's gravid and hasn't had a place to dig to lay her eggs and likely intimidated by the male...but its only a guess based on what you've said. Is she showing dark colors with bright peachy spots?
I palpated her when I saw her on Sat. I did not feel in eggs in her... I'll have to check that again when I go there tomorrow...I'm maybe thinking Lack of Calcium and suppliments?? I'll have to see how often he's supplimenting them. She's still a bright peachy color.
Nice job KShook. I hope your owner friend appreciates your help, and I know the little girl will!

If your friend does all of the items you advised, especially changing the bulb and increasing the water, then I would say keep it up for a week, see what changes occur.

She COULD be hiding her dehydration. A fecal would be a better indicator. She could also be kept away from water due to the presence of the male.

Yeah, I try! When he saw the chams I had..he went Chameleon crazy..Now it just seems he's not that "INTO" them..but I may be wrong...I would hate to see them go down the tubes like the female is right now..So all I can do is give him helpful knowledge about them since he's never really read up on them, and only knows what I've told him..but one day I'm hopeing he'll say...DO YOU WANT THEM!!!!!! lol thats horrable I know! Anyways tomorrow I'll be able to get a really good look at her, and setup a seperate cage for her. he should have done the a while ago..i kept on telling him! Not sure why he hasent done it yet!? He's Stubborn!
Panther Care Sheet

Heyy you guys,

Can you please guide me to a good Panther Chameleon Care Sheet!??? I havent kept this species myself..I found some okay ones online but I know this forum has alot better ones! :) Please & Thank You!

Also...for the Panther Owners can you provide me with a Sup. Schedule so I can give him a guide line of how offten he needs to do it!?

Thanks Everyone!

First off they should have been separated ages ago. Keerping them together like this means that they could mate as soon as they were sexually mature putting the possibility of her producing eggs when she wasn't even done growing herself. If she hasn't had a place to dig to lay eggs, she could be eggbound. Lethargy, not eating, sitting low in the branches, eyes closed are some of the symptoms for this.

Keeping them together would have both of them in a stressful situation by not being able to move very far away from each other (unless they are in a huge cage). This can lower the immune system and cause health issues.

You said you thought it might be a supplimenting/calcium she showing any signs of calcium problems (crooked limbs, inability to lift her body off the branches, the look of having an extra elbow above the real one, etc.)

A dripper is a simple thing to make...just use a deli cup with a very tiny hole in the bottom of it.

No matter what is the cause of this chameleon's lethargy, etc. it needs to be dealt with ASAP or it will likely I would suggest that it be taken to a vet ASAP.

Here are articles on MBD...

Here are some articles on egglaying issues...

Here are some good sites that I have mentioned many times on this forum...

Thanks for everything! I'm going to see her today so I'll see exactlay whats going on ith her! Yeah I know they should have been seperated a while ago!!! I always told him....but he never did it. But were for sure seperating them today I talked to him about it today. I'm going to palpate her again to see if I can feel anything in there. I'll have to check her limbs I was unable to get a good look at them on saturday since it was dark...Anyways I'll give everyone an update when I get back home and I'll try to get some pics for some more ideas from you guys. Thanks Everyone for your help! I'll keep you posted later on!


Okay so I just got back from my freinds house...and came home with a Cham...Not sure if thats a good thing or not!? Anyways..She's Slightly Dehydrated, We put her in the shower for about 15 min earlier which I'm going to continue for the next few days till shes re-hydrated. As for the UV lights he had they were old...! Ahh..So i brought him a new one :) Anyways...The female is EXTREMELY WEAK...she is hanging upside down from branches...falling on the ground..ahh no far as suppliments go, they did it everytime they fed the crix..which is about once a week!? Anyways I have a few pics..let me know what you guys think! Any and ALL suggestions are welcome, in the mean time I'm going to research these symptoms she's having. :)


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mine did something you have a male also???? mine was gravid but i too coulldnt feel eggs so i showed her my male and saw gravid colors idk but she laied 25 eggs
okay i didnt see these pics ummm doesnt look like my panther when she was gravid....yours is beautiful tho and what is her suppliment diet and how much is being fed to her once a week and oncce a week feeding isnt enough it should be everyother day.......her legs look swolen in my opinion.......................maybe see the vet
She WAS in with a male...she showed these same colors when she was in with him...but as soon as I put her back in the cage with him, he tried to get on top of her and she turned black..then I pulled them apart...I dont feel any eggs in her at do you think her legs look..I was compairing them to the males and hers look a little more plump? Or is it just me?!
black prob means gravid with eggs my female did the same thing ummmmm they are way plump looking i never felt eggs in mine either but there were
Hmm okay I'll put an Bin in there for her just in case!!!!!! :) Umm....Do you think MBD??? "Pleassse I Hope NOT" Anybody else....any suggestions!?
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