

New Member
Hey guys does anyone know of eye drops that would help a baby Cham... I just don't really wanna wait a week if I order from lllreptile!!!! Thanks
what is the issue going on with the chams eyes? i wouldnt risk using visine as it has a lot of ingredients that may be harmful to your chameleon. if you need to rinse its eyes out get a saline solution for contacts, the plain solution with no other ingredients.
I would suggest just using plain water to start. When mine starts rubbing his eyes on branches, I mist him so he rolls his eyes a few times and cleans them. I use warm water to mist him. I'm not sure what's wrong with your little guy, but if it was me, this is where I would start. Hope it helps :)
Heavy msitings are good.

If you feel the need for eye drops, get plain saline. (only ingredient listed is saline) and go from there.
Yeah we'll I bought him from lllreptile and when he came in I could tell there was something wrong... So far I've given him 4 showers and its helped tremendously. He has also been drinking a lot and today I witnessed him eating. Every once in a while his eye is shut but once I rinse it it seems fine. Nothing is coming out of the eye(like gunk or anything) but I was just wondering!!! Thank you tho!!!!
Yeah we'll I bought him from lllreptile and when he came in I could tell there was something wrong... So far I've given him 4 showers and its helped tremendously. He has also been drinking a lot and today I witnessed him eating. Every once in a while his eye is shut but once I rinse it it seems fine. Nothing is coming out of the eye(like gunk or anything) but I was just wondering!!! Thank you tho!!!!

I would suggest that you get in touch with the seller. I'm sure they would not be too happy that they had sold a Cham with an eye problem. Sometimes a problem is not picked up in the shop but becomes apparent when the Cham is housed on its own and is constantly observed. :)
His basking temp is about 92 and he has a 5.0 reptiglo 24 inch bulb and I did contact them and they put my name down and they gave me some advice and they said if anything happened they would help me out. But I wanna prevent something from happening that's why I'm being so cautious
Well part of your issue is his basking temp is WAY too high.

You need to lower that to around 85.
I had it at that but the dude from lllreptile said raise it. But the Cham usually is just crawling around even when It was lower (83) he didn't really even hang around the basking spot
I would never keep a baby cham at 94.

I have veiled hatchlings now that are 3-4 months old, and i keep them at 84
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