Went to Pomona Super Show - Here's Some Pics!


Avid Member
I thought I would share some pics that I was able to take "Which Was Hard Since There Were SO Many People" But I was able to get a few OK Shots! This is the first show I was able to go to without buying any Chams! Or...Reptiles at all! Just Bugs - I'm so proud of myself! But It was VERY Hard not to get anything... :)

Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the pics!















Nice picture Kayla. i am headed down to the show in Daytona, and have sworn I will not buy and reptiles. For some reason no one believes me!! I will be strong. Thanks for setting the example for me.:D
Ha yesss!!!! It was VERY Hard...I was trying to bargan for a Nice Melleri..No Budging there..So I said "OKay it was not meant to be for me to get another Cham today" :) And I stuck with it! Good Luck Laurie - You Can Do It!!!

Nice picture Kayla. i am headed down to the show in Daytona, and have sworn I will not buy and reptiles. For some reason no one believes me!! I will be strong. Thanks for setting the example for me.:D
think the crowned crane in that pen is disgusting, and breeding yemans for morphs is not right at all, hope it doesn't catch on

Yeah that poor Crane was not at all happy...Kept attacking the fence..And they guy woring with them also told me it does not like Females..Weird..
Nice picture Kayla. i am headed down to the show in Daytona, and have sworn I will not buy and reptiles. For some reason no one believes me!! I will be strong. Thanks for setting the example for me.:D

Swing over in South Dakota and kid nap me. :D I won't mind. c;
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