what are some of your guys and girls other hobbies

Video games, sculpting, drawing, being outdoors, scuba diving, snow skiing, playing with animals (chams, turtles, dogs, wildlife, etc, etc, etc)! :)
Antithesis, who crocheted the bird hats? Whomever it is, I have that in common as a hobby. I crochet.

Here's an octopus I am entering in the fair this year:

And, somewhere in this crocheted plant is my crocheted chameleon:
Cute aren't they! We go to a "Merchants Market" every weekend where local vendors sell their goods. We found them there! Score!
Bodybuilding, Bonsai tree, Photography, Dogs, RC helicopter, PC and PS gaming, Racing cars, Gardening, Playing chess, Hunting. Gave up rugby, athletics and all other pets such as iguana, bearded dragon, monitor lizard etc.
Growing orchids, have done bonsai in the past and like to start up again, cooking, MMO's ( currently playing RIFT and LOTRO ),riding bikes. Also in a dart league. I have been playing for over 20 years. Im sure I will find something else to peek my interest one day.
I am an artist. I love gardening and working with exotic plants. Besides my reptiles, I also keep inverts ..terrestrial and aquatic. Fishing, camping, hiking... anything to do with being outdoors. :)

Btw, the owl hats and the octopus are fantastic!! My crochet and knitting skills leave a lot to be desired, so I am always in awe of those with mad skills! :D
Well since my last cholesterol panel, and I don't want to do statins, I am focusing more on the wine than food.:eek:

Also am gearing up for the summer market - I am one of those pesky jewlery venders.:p Right now I have been focused on beading, necklaces, earrings, etc. We are in the middle of clearing out years of hording in the basement so soon as I have time I will be turning the kid's room into my studio. Then I can break out the gem-scope, kiln, torches and punches, etc. Since the kid is living away from home and has intentions of getting married, I figure he won't be needing the room any more.:D
Soccer! Scuba diving, drinking:D and having a good time....!!

Also I do marine aquariums, play with the best pug ever, Higgins, and try and get outdoors as much as possible!!!

Good news ~ I happen to be in Vegas next week for the expo!!! Lucky coincidence! Anyone else goin??
Fishing (o sweet serenity)
Gourmet cooking
Floral arrangements
and Acrylic painting (abstract) :rolleyes::D
I work and go to college lol.

Beside my chameleon, I own a turtle and an evil kitty.

Free time is spent on hookah! Video games and the best friend. I'm a boring person haha.
Riding motorcycles, dirt and street, GUNS and hunting, fishing and currently trying to learn how to play guitar!! Also coach football and baseball.
Besides work, I go hiking, kayaking, fishing - it has been a few years since my last catch...wtf? -going to museums, camping, soccer...the other day I pull out my Fender and my kids told me I was awfull - :rolleyes: kids nowadays do not know good music -, so my ax went right back to the closet...
Where I might ask is the picture of your daughter?? We get baby cham pictures, where is the baby human picture? I love baby humans even more. I had 29 foster kids, from babies to a couple of teenagers. Now instead of kids I just have chams.

29 foster kids. You have a big heart.:)

As for me, all kinds of animals, horseback riding, snowboarding, camping, fishing, partying idk if that's a hobby haha. That's all I can think of atm.
I am a hoarder of hobbies.
  • Herpetology (right now just Chameleons and Dart Frogs)
  • Keeping and Breeding Insects - Got into when I started getting back into chameleons
  • Videogames - I own pretty much every system released in the US since I was born and have somewhere between 1500 and 2000 games at the moment (covering 30 years of videogames)
  • Graphic Design - Have a BS in Visual Communications (Print Design and Web Design)
  • Photography - It's just fun (can't wait getting a new DSLR in the next couple weeks)
  • Boardgaming - I have a friend who has a huge 20 foot long 8 foot high shelving unit filled with just about every game you can think of (all games are bookshelved)
  • Wargaming - Used to do Napoleonics (Historical era table top game), havn't done much lately darn wheelchair, mostly do Heroscapes with my nephew now)

I keep myself as busy as I can (being disabled sucks), always looking for new hobbies. :)
Did you killed Vlad the Impaler? I just to watch the battles on tv. Why did they cancelled it?

Vlad... hahaha Gauage is long gone any bot from the old days would not last an event today. "Battle bots" when MIA due to the going after budwiser for infringement. Bad idea to piss off the #1 money spender on tv ad's. A new show was filmed last month and will be on the science channel next weekend. Ill probably be on it :)
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