What are your chameleons names?

I use to have a bird named Malachi.

Daigan is my oldest male veiled

Lil Bean is his nephew male veiled (not so little anymore tho)

Jezabelle is my female panther ambilobe

Gabrielle is my new tiny baby girl.. that if it turnes out to be a male then the name will be Gabriel

Wembley my olderst male ambilobe

Bonzi also an ambilobe

Tito the Jacksons chameleon. ha ha ha:p

Nightcrawler and Flim-Flam two male carpets. Flim flam was suppose to be a female but as he grew we founf out she was a he!
Tito the Jacksons chameleon. ha ha ha:p

I was wondering when someone would get to a jacksons..I know someone has Janet. What about Latoya!? LOL

I have a Panther named Leo (generated by the Mafia name generator, officially named Leo the Pimp) and a Veiled female named Ben (ita), was Ben Kenobe but has since decided he is a she hence the extra (ita) although we still call her Ben and she still hates me.
mako , hulk , sal , roman , art , betty, warren, emilly , rita, brittney, dragon, ruthie , bernard ,pikey, ed, fran, kingmeller ,gerome ,littlepeckers and prince henry stout

Littlepeckers?! LOL.. Bet that boosts its confidence!
I call my jacksons Twitch, when he was a baby and in with his siblings he would twitch his head back and forth (showing dominance) Moved him to a full size cage and he will still do it from time to time. The name fits him well:)
I have now got two mt meru montanus jacksons chams and the girl is called fluff and the boy is called bellybutton, silly names i know but i couldnt help it they just suited them!! haha, my old chams names were smarty and bojangles both yemans chams . x
my male yemen is called colin? i was going to call him colin 2 as my first one sadly passed away at the tender age of 7 weeks old? but i decided that i didnt want that so he is colin.
Veiled Chameleons

1. Forward Unto Dawn

2. Inquisition

3. Truth and Reconciliation (Yes that is one name)

4. Andromeda
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