What are your chameleons names?


This guy right here earned the name "Alastor"

In Greek mythology, Alastor is an avenging demon, associated with blood feuds between families, and the Greek term for an avenging power that visits the sins of the fathers on their children. It is also an evil genius of a house that leads a man to commit crimes and sin. He was originally a mortal, the son of Neleus, king of Pylos. He became a (minor) demon when he and his brothers were slain by Heracles.

LOL, ar first I was debating on naming him Satan!!!

When I first got him, he would literally go out of his way to charge at me at bite the crap outta me with all his might! He would also be a pain holding, he would do that backflip thingy that Panthers do when they're really trying their best to escape.

He has finally settled down and hand feeds and everything! Pretty cool, what time can do to a mean Panther when they begin to recognize your hand as a helping hand instead of an enemy. ;)
My Nosy be is named Rygel out of love of Farscape, and also because of the blue supergiant star Rigel.

If/When we get a female, we're naming her Zhaan, the "blue arsed bitch". ;)
Im picking up a veiled this weekend and his name will be Reptar. My next one i want a red bodied blue barred and i want to name him Trogdor lol
Male veiled #1 - Deke
Male veiled #2 - Clyde
Oustalet - Reilly
Montium - Tank
Pair of pygmies - Ralph and Alice
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