What are your chameleons names?

Skittles- panther cross
Skeeter- panther cross
Thorn- Jackson
Rosie- Jackson
Hatchet- veiled
Peaches- sambava
Nala- sambava
Turk- panther
And other non-chameleon species are:
Butch- bearded
Casanova- silkback bearded
Sara- bearded
Ragu & Prego- my frills
Spike- Malaysian mountain horn
Spot- tokay
Dolly- crested gecko
Mr. Banana- crested gecko
We called our Panther cham Rufus (Latin for Red)


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My Male Masoala/cap est is called Ted

Female Masoala/cap est is called Jenny

Male Ankify is called Dave

Female ankify is called Betty(courtesy of the wife!)
Our panther's name is Fez Morocco. Have no idea where it came from.. something our 10 yr old came up with :)
My sweetheart wanted to name him pascal, my nephew wanted to name him rango so its a toss up on whoever's here at the time
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