What are your chameleons names?

lol was gona name my panther that 2 but once i saw his colors i couldnt name him somthing black

I was originally joking when I suggested it, but my family and friends all liked it so it stuck. I just figured it worked because they're both panthers - after a fashion, lol.
desiel is my 10 month old veiled and i have an unnamed 3month old yellow mako male veiled i was thinking about calling him puff as in puff the magic dragon
waldo.... wheres waldo had him named before i got him!always thought id be a cool cham name! just noticed how long this thread is wow!!
Reggie Watts as in Reggie Wats- Fuck Shit Stack on youtube. He almost was a Rusko, but I figured we could dubstep beatbox without his name being Rusko.
My guy is named Reggie. However, i really wished i had named him something else. I want to get a nosy faly or nosy be and i was thinking i would name him sub-zero or ermac or something, and i was like "aw man i should have did like a mortal kombat theme." which when i do start getting more chams is what im going to do lol.
Lol!^ I could see myself screaming Mooortal Kommbat!!!! Running with a sprayer to the chams every morning.... Yeah that's how fun a Mortal Kombat theme would be.
I was having a hard time naming our very first Panther... I must have been thinking too hard because my 7 year old spouts out, "MR. COLORS." It was just so simple, so it stuck. And so did the screen name. :)
We have 2 ambilobe panthers. The male is called Ziggy and female Dusty (Stardust) when they have babies they will be The Spiders from Mars!
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