What are your chameleons names?

I have a girl Veiled I named Roger, I know it's a boys name but she reminds me of Roger the alien on American Dad.
My Veiled Chameleon is named Melon. I have dyslexia, and when texting the other half I would always misspell Chameleon as Chamelon. I also call him Lemon on occasion...
My female Veiled is Karma, my male Nosy Be is Neptune, and my male Ambi who will arrive on Tuesday will be Flynn. :)
Pebbles, Bam Bam, Cornholio, Candy, Zartan, Squiggly, Sarah Lou, Tough Guy, Thor, and all the babies don't have names. Can't get attached.

My lil man is named Petrie, cause he is my little dinosaur!
our female ambilobe is super sweet so we named her sugar, our male ambilobe is a little brat who bit me the first day we got him so we named him sugar-free :D
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