Get bunkered
New Member
So my 4 month old nosy faly panther chameleon has been really scaring me lately.... Almost everyday when I come home from school my panther chameleon is curled up against a branch of his ficus plant eyes closed and sleeping !
I don't know why he does this but I have been searching through the forum and I saw somewhere that if it's dark chameleons will go to sleep. There are some places in my cage that the light dosent always penetrate through that are somewhat dark, burn where he sleeps is imbetween the bright fully light area and the darker less light area. Also since I got him on Christmas day I have never seen him eat and only saw him drink 1 time. For the past 2 days I've been in a way force feeding him because I don't want him to starve to death !! I also give him plenty of opporitunities to drink. Sometime when I get home I'll see him walking around with 1 or both eyes closed, but not sunken in just closed, but when I pick him up to see if anything is wrong he swishes his eyeballs in his head then opens his eyes and he climbs around me looking as health as possible, but within 20 mins of being back into his cage he will crawl down to the middle area and close his eyes and walk around very slow with his eyes closed then to the top opens his eyes for a little bit then does the same thing !! I don't know what's going on can anyone shed some light on my situation thanks