What kind of chameleon do i have ? :s

Hope this helps

Chameleon Info:

* Your Chameleon – It’s a female panther chameleon and iv had it for a day.
* Handling – Regularly about twice a day I would handle it.
* Feeding – I feed it Crickets for now. Going to put herptivite and calcium with D3 once a month. I give the crickets the water supliment and lettus and tomato.
* Supplements – I have Reptocal calcium with vitamin D3 and repcal herptivite and I dust and feed them to my chameleon once a month.
* Watering – She drinks regularly. I have a dripping system and I spray the terrarium 2 to 3 times a day.
* Fecal Description – Just got her I haven’t really seen her droppings yet there was a little yellow but I think she wasn’t waterd enough at the store.
* History – I don’t really have any history on her :\

Cage Info:

* Cage Type – I have an all screen terrarium that measures 16 x 16 x 30 inches
* Lighting – I have a 60 wat heat lamp and im purchasing a uvb light sometime this week
* Temperature – I have a terrarium thermometer that measures from 80 to 85 ferinheight in the cage and the basking spot is 85 to 95 degrees
* Humidity – I don’t have a way to measure humidity but as I stated I spray the terrarium 2 to 3 times a day and I have a live plant inside.
* Plants – I have a live plant. I am not sure what its called but I am aware it is safe for chameleons
* Placement – My terrarium is located in my room. There isn’t a lot of traffic in here pretty quiet. No vents or fans near it. The top of the terrarium is 45 inches above the floor.
* Location – I live in Toronto, Ontario, canada
Gutload with greens like collards, mustard greens, dandelion greens, kale, and endive. Use fruits and veggies like squash, sweet peppers, carrots, celery leaves, oranges, and papayas. STay away from tomatoes, spinach, and broccoli.

Stop handling her so much. I recommend once a week max unless she walks out onto your hand by her self or to take her outside/give showers. You shouldn't handle her at all for the first week or two to let her get settled in.

You need to dust with a calcium without d3 almost every feeding, a calcium with d3 twice a month, and a multivitamin once a month. 90 is too hot for a baby. Bring it down to 80-83 in the basking spot and 70 or so for the ambient temp. I would try to raise the cage so that her basking spot is above you're eye level.
ok sounds good. iv just beeen told so many different ways to take care of them i dont even know who to listen to anymore so i came here lol. ill make sure to give my crickets what youve said i actually dont handle her that much since i have only had her since about 5 pm today lol i was going to actually let her settle in for the first week. as for basking it dosnt have a temperature dial so would raising the lamp higher than the terrarium work? and as for calcium ill have to purchace pure calcium. other than that looks like im all good. if anyone else has any suggestions let me know please!
You know it does look like a male to me. If you look at the pictures I can see blues, reds, and some green eve! I don't think female nosy be's can turn those colors am I right? If so you lucked out bud =) Males are much easier to care for. I am seeing these colors on the last picture you send.
Raising the bulb would be fine, what are you measuring the temps with? The analog ones don't really work and tend to be way off, so go digital if you don't have one already.
ya i have an analog. it is fairly warm tho so i think i would be best getting a digital and raising the buld. and im preeeety sure shes a female because one the store said she was and two she dosnt have the little stubs on the back of her hind feet that male chameleons do. (that or just veilds do) but she is that pinkish color. im not to sure i think i know more about veilds than panthers lol. well sex wise but yes. thanks both of you guys lol
iv just beeen told so many different ways to take care of them i dont even know who to listen to anymore so i came here lol.

You'll still get different ideas here. Just don't panic. Wait for a majority of posts. If you are really needing help and the board is giving you contradictory information, contact one of the moderators. They'll point you in the right direction.
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alot of places put ink on them it fades away non toxic it tells alot when your a big breeder that puts all your babies in one area it can mean who the parents are or the sex if you ordered 2 cams from the same breeder wanted diffrent blood then each should be marked diffrent.
" i know pretty much everything there is to know about chameleons "

first......throw this thought out the window.

second.....Welcome aboard.

just dig around this site and do LOTS of searches/reading here and you'll prolly be OK.

last.....$250 Canadian......Thats like $0.47 US no?
dude shouldnt you know what you buy before you start handling over moolahhh? if it is a nosey be. you be quite pleased. come out with some stunning colours all round.
well i didnt mean "everything" but iv read over i dont know how many websites watched i dont know how many youtube videos. and im 99% sure she is a nosey be panther lol. i think the problem is that i dont really need help i need more advice considering ima starter, sorta like being a first time parent XD
Panthers don't have tarsal spurs. If you post a picture of your new Cham from the side with the tail out (not curled) others can help sex him/her. Sometimes panthers are a littlw tricky to sex and pet stores mix them up, or the boy doesn't seem to have any 'junk' but it starts showing later. Also, you wouldn't be able to tell what locale she is just by looking at her as a baby, or possibly even an adult if she is a she. You just gotta trust the source you bought her from.

Did you look up pictures of male nosy be panthers? The males are stunning, and the little bit of color that girls show can be amazing.
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