what sex?


New Member
i have this clutch of baby ambilobes and was wandering what sex these two look like,this is my keepers 1 month old


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Judging on the size of the tail base, they both look female to me but its really hard to tell at this age.. It gets much easier around 2-3 months..
At 2-3 months the hemipenis is more pronounced in the males as well as faint color patterns...

Cute babies! I have a clutch around the same age..
I know you say these are ambilobes, and I know NOTHING about them (I have a veiled) but I saw this thread the other day and wonder if sexing based on colors and patterns might work the same: https://www.chameleonforums.com/baby-parangs-20563/

I guess males have more patterns and contrast than females?

generally, yes..
but, there are colorful females and pale males that throws off the method.
1 month is a bit hard to tell.
Wait 2 months for the bulge to grow.
Left to right. Male and female. There is not a huge bulge but the shape of the tail base is a good indicator even now.
i think someone needs to make like a drawn diagram of what to look for :).

Like the shape of the tail base... i have no idea what you are seeing different
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