What to feed besides crickets in Canada? (Dubia roach ban)


Established Member
New Cham owner of 3.5 month old ambilobe panther. Right now he's just on a cricket diet with the odd horn worm treat.
What else can I feed him? I would like to practice hand feeding often however crickets are hard to keep a hold of.
Is there anything I can feed him as much as crickets?

I would use horn worms because they are easy to hold however they are too unhealthy to be using regularly.

I have a lot of exotic pet stores near me so I have a lot of options, im just unsure which is the correct insect

Dubia roaches are illegal in Canada
Hello and warmest welcomes!! I'll attach a list of recommended feeders you can check out. Unfortunately I do not know what is allowed in Canada, I believe BSFL are allowed and they are excellent feeders.


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New Cham owner of 3.5 month old ambilobe panther. Right now he's just on a cricket diet with the odd horn worm treat.
What else can I feed him? I would like to practice hand feeding often however crickets are hard to keep a hold of.
Is there anything I can feed him as much as crickets?

I would use horn worms because they are easy to hold however they are too unhealthy to be using regularly.

I have a lot of exotic pet stores near me so I have a lot of options, im just unsure which is the correct insect

Dubia roaches are illegal in Canada
Idk if you can get them there, but I know Dubias are illegal in Florida as well and lots of people get discoid roaches instead.
I’m not sure if you can have discoid roaches in Canada, but I do know Surinam are legal. I’ve no idea where you would find them though. Probably would have to ask at locally owned (not chain) pet stores and check on line vendors. Plus all the other feeders mentioned above. :)
I’m not sure if you can have discoid roaches in Canada, but I do know Surinam are legal. I’ve no idea where you would find them though. Probably would have to ask at locally owned (not chain) pet stores and check on line vendors. Plus all the other feeders mentioned above. :)
It's legal to keep discoid roaches in Canada, but it's very expensive (50 for $120).
If I were you I would invest in a colony of discoids . You said 50 discoids are about $120. Depending on the size you buy them at you can have babies within 8 weeks and enough to start feeding within 6 months. And they will keep breeding. I bought 50 XL a year ago and now I have three colonies going and well over 1k nymphs of various sizes. Definitely need to breed your own food especially in Canada as winter comes ordering live food is difficult. Also it’s grasshopper season in Canada right now, catch some and breed them. Im doing that right now with some wild ones and some that I ordered online.
I would never get red runner again, they are a danger if you get them lose, you get them lose and they can survive the cold, its weird that they banned dubias but allowd red runner that can live in your house.
Silkworms all the way...have not seen a cham yet that doesn't love them.. i normally order medium to feed and small as well then just let the smalls eat, grow and fatten up then move the bigger ones over when i clean and refeed keeps a constant backup source going until time to order more ...
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