Where do you buy?

Does anyone on the west coast (or in the US) order from Wormbiz.com AKA: American Cricket Ranch?

I wanted to get some feedback from you guys on who you buy from and your experiences with them. I want to know good and bad stories. I have tried three different cricket suppliers and only one has not screw it up.

Lets have it out.
I order crickets from reptilefood.com. It's 10 bucks for 1,000. I've been ordering for years but I've noticed several times they don't send me the correct size. I order adults and get small ones.. Maybe it's not cricket season and they're out of the big ones. Most of the time they do get it right though

I'll have to try Rainbow Mealworms, Mulberry Farms or American Cricket Ranch as well since I live in Cali.
Have you tried http://www.ghann.com/? I have always ordered from them and even with them shipping in 40 degree weather a few weeks ago i had a total of maybe 20doas out of 1500 crickets. I am very happy with their service you should try them out if you havent already.
I order crickets from reptilefood.com. It's 10 bucks for 1,000. I've been ordering for years but I've noticed several times they don't send me the correct size. I order adults and get small ones.. Maybe it's not cricket season and they're out of the big ones. Most of the time they do get it right though

I'll have to try Rainbow Mealworms, Mulberry Farms or American Cricket Ranch as well since I live in Cali.

I purchased from Rainbow Mealworms at a show... but I can't find a phone number or website!?:confused:
$10 plus $10 shipping which pretty much puts them at the same price as other cricket carriers if you include shipping
All my feeders come from American Cricket Ranch although I buy them through the local pet store because their markup is cheaper than having them shipped direct. The quality is usually good but I don't have experience with how they ship.
Too Expensive.........

I tried switching to American Cricket Ranch about a month ago. I was getting my stuff through Big Apple and it was coming from the South USA. It was inexpensive but I was having problems in cold weather with them arriving in perfect condition, even with double boxing and a heat pack. I thought I would try something from the West coast. The crickets from ACR were the most beautiful crickets I've ever seen. They put lots of extras in too. Unfortunately the cost with overnight shipping, double boxing and heat packs ended up being three times as much. Big Apple does not charge for double boxing or heat packs. I decided to go back to Big Apple or try something different for the winter. I think I will use ACR when the weather does not require extra packaging. Their product was exceptional in quality.
All my feeders come from American Cricket Ranch although I buy them through the local pet store because their markup is cheaper than having them shipped direct. The quality is usually good but I don't have experience with how they ship.

What shop do you pick up from?
I'm lucky we have a reptile center who sells by the box any size (1000) for 18.00 I pick them up when I need them. You can try and have you local pet store order you a box when you need it.
Also, call around. . . If you buy alot at a time they will give you a break on the cost. But always ask for a better deal. The worst answer you can get is no. Because untill you ask the answer is maybe. I had a spread sheet made up somewhere that took shipping into account as well as regular and bulk price. when I get home ill try to find it should I not forget.
The san diego cricket business is incestuous to say the least.
Basically, they're all coming from the same place with different faces
(it's likely to be the same situation in other parts of the nation).

I've ordered from cricketsdirect.com. (as well as several others)
CD shipping arrived in a good condition and timely
orders have been properly filled + overfill.

Nowdays, I prefer to pick them up myself in lakeside
standard cheap pricing -if your a bulk consumer.

IF I find myself in a jam I can source out from a local pet store
they re-sell them to me at their cost.

Bottom line. ACR/CD deliver best for me due to price, quality and proximity.
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$10 plus $10 shipping which pretty much puts them at the same price as other cricket carriers if you include shipping

Yup, the shipping is as much as the crickets so now what I do is drive to Reptile Depot and get the crickets for $15.00!!

I was just there a few minutes ago and they had just received several boxes of crickets per the thousand but I still had crickets so I didn't get one :D
http://www.cricketfactory.com is located in Visalia, California.

Dan's a great guy and ships fast. DOAs to Las Vegas are pretty much negligible. I don't think I've ever had enough to bother counting. He said he ships about 70K a week to Exotic Pets and has very little loss. He also spent an inordinate amount of time with me on the phone before my first order. The price is $10.75/M or less and Priority Mail shipping is $7, IIRC. I ordered a few extra egg cartons from him at a decent price, too.

He has worms, as well. (Well, the business does...not Dan himself.) They're very well packed.

Catherine, you ought to give Dan a try. He's at least on the same coast as you.
http://www.cricketfactory.com is located in Visalia, California.

Dan's a great guy and ships fast. DOAs to Las Vegas are pretty much negligible. I don't think I've ever had enough to bother counting. He said he ships about 70K a week to Exotic Pets and has very little loss. He also spent an inordinate amount of time with me on the phone before my first order. The price is $10.75/M or less and Priority Mail shipping is $7, IIRC. I ordered a few extra egg cartons from him at a decent price, too.

He has worms, as well. (Well, the business does...not Dan himself.) They're very well packed.

Catherine, you ought to give Dan a try. He's at least on the same coast as you.

I can't help but laugh when i read this.. :D
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