Where to buy live plants in the U.K


New Member
I've tried homebase and B&Q the only 1s i've managed to find so far are weeping figs and umbrella plants. I need to find a good size tree and some plants for when i free range Mia, maybe asking a lot but a shop that sells a lot of plants that are safe for chameleons would be great. Mia already has two weeping figs and two umbrella plants but they wont be big enough when i free range her. I'm in the north east of England, also maybe a good website would be great too.
Keep an eye out in Lidl if there is one near you - they soemtimes have large ficus and umbrellas in there. I would love a big hibiscus tree like they have in their gardens in the US but only ever find houseplant sized ones! Have you considered an artificial one for her free range? I've seen a few on ebay before.
try focus if you have one over there i got 2 ficus and a umbrella for around 25quid about 3ft tall they did biger 1s aswell
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