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I was just starting my senior year in high school!! I live in Long Island NY a lot of the students were in shock and a few teachers were in panic and in tears, but We never got to really see for ourselves the devastation until we went home and saw it on tv and by that time it was chaos out here. I'm only 20 minutes from the city a group of friends and I went to a high parking lot where we were able to see the city at night. The entire island of manhattan was covered in smoke and you could see the lights of helicopters and I would assume fighter jets swarming around. It was a very sad sight and huge eye opener for me at 17 years old at the time. A lot changed for me immediately after that day as with many others. Bless the fallen of 9/11
I remember the smoke they had closed off the bridge and I had some friends (fire fighter volunteers) that were bringing in clothes and blankets by boat, it was just so surreal!