So I have noticed this white line on the top of my female veiled’s crest and at first I thought it was the beginning of a shed but it has not gone away over a couple of days like a shed would + it doesn’t really look like shedding skin either. I’m worried it could be a thermal burn and if it is how should I treat it? Will it go away on its own? Her basking spot closest to the light is 6 inches away from the heat source but she has been screen climbing since she has been receptive so maybe she got too close? (Though I would expect it to be on her belly but that seems normal).
using daylight bulb and basking temp is 78 ambient is mid 70s and night time is 68
Also using 5.0 uvb by reptisun
using daylight bulb and basking temp is 78 ambient is mid 70s and night time is 68
Also using 5.0 uvb by reptisun