Who Free Ranges

DJ Richey Rich

New Member
Who free ranges? I dont mean take them out of there cage for a walk. lets hear stories and see some pics of your free range
Louis V's



Thats amazing, i would love to do that, eventually i hope to get there. Do they poo in the tree consistantly, or do they just go wherever?
Louis V always makes it in her bucket Gucci is a pain for my gf always in the same spot on her dryer lol it cracks me up it is soo funy watching them poop they are alot like a bird I think they take joy in aiming.
:D haha, just curious, my girlfriend and i both thought of that. I really like the idea of doing that, and i will get there eventually.
Gucci is moody and stays around her tree area Louis v is a people lover he always makes his way in to the room we are in. The other morning he was chillin on our bed:p
About 5 years ago I used to free range my panther in the entire greenhouse. He loves making the rounds in the high humidity with the huge selection of plants with conecting bamboo poles.
Sometimes they leave because they don't have everything they desire in their habitat and are looking for a better territory. That being said, sometimes they just leave. Try to see if anything is missing or if more of something would make him stay put. If he continues to walk around just Cham proof the whole room. Also make sure they can get to eachother :D don't want any chameleon babies with Gucci that young.

I'm also a strong believer of not handling unless they voluntarily walk onto your hand with or without food (aside from weekely health checks of course.) I also don't think you should keep them out very long if they do get onto your hand as they aren't really a handle-able pet anyways.
They walk around becaus they are free and not in a jail cell he cant get in gucci's area.its the only part of our house that is off limits. Mine are hadleable. People that dont handle their chameleons have chameleons that don't like to be handled. They always go back to their tree when they need to bask or a uvb fix. My vet said she graduated from osu and they did research on free ranging and cage kept chameleons and free range chameleons tend to live healthyer and muscles tend to be stronger. And she thinks it adds time on there life.
That being said I made this topic for free rangers to pop in on. That would be like someone starting a thread that says Panther storie lets see some panther pics and I told about my veiled and posted pics.
My free range is shown on this thread: Thaxter's domain. (I think you've also seen some lower res pix of it, DJ RR.) In his youth, he went everywhere and we'd lower a "lizard gate" to keep him in the living room; since he was maybe 2.5 years old, he's been much more a Creature of Habit, with more of a set routine. He varies it a bit - maybe he'll sleep here every night for a couple weeks, then sleep there for the next week or so.
My free range is shown on this thread: Thaxter's domain. (I think you've also seen some lower res pix of it, DJ RR.) In his youth, he went everywhere and we'd lower a "lizard gate" to keep him in the living room; since he was maybe 2.5 years old, he's been much more a Creature of Habit, with more of a set routine. He varies it a bit - maybe he'll sleep here every night for a couple weeks, then sleep there for the next week or so.
Thanks Yea I seen urs on our FR site Yours is crazy cool its amazing.
my bedroom is a free range. there are no crevices that they can get stuck in or behind. i have 2 sliding glass doors in my room. i put my ficus in front of one open the door and let the sunshine in. all my chams spend time on this tree not all at once though.i have woken up with chams on my toes on tristans chest and once ecko was kinda humping the outside of the cage nel is now in. Nel is usually the permanant free ranger. her being gravid she is now in a cage. Sativa went receprive. So now ecko stays in a cage and it is stressing him out.if he gets out to free range he runs to nel or sativa. i have too many to free range them all.
I have a free range in a low traffic room of my house, no pictures because I am currently redoing it and getting more plants. He never leaves his plants, so he must enjoy it. :)
i free range my Melleri. I have a 260 gallon repterium which stay unzipped. It is housed with 2 hibiucus trees and vines. one of the vines connects to a ficus tree outside the repterium which is next to a window. Mostly, they like to hang out on top of the repterium, so I had to hang one of their uvb lights above the lights on the reptarium to make sure they were getting enough uvb.
it just takes alot of handeling i bring mine out every day "someone is going to try to tear me up for saying that"
It just takes alot of handeling I bring mine out every day "someone is going to try to tear me up for saying that" I was flaming you for handling your cham so much. Like I care, I was just being stupid. But if I had sayed that I would have been ripped up and down.
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