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Well I had a saltwater 28g bowfront tank that I ended up taking down because the chams got to be way to much and I couldn't do it all alone. Ive really thinned out what I have (aside from more babys hatching) and I have had the time to resurrect this bow front of mine. I have fluorite substrate and some nice pieces of mopani wood inside the tank. Im using my t5 reef lighting so my lighting needs are more than covered. I have planted a few types of plants in there, including dwarf hairgrass that with some patience and some good lighting, plant food, and co2, should cover the bottom like a carpet (crosses fingers). Cant wait to see how it turns out. I wont be putting fish in there for awhile and I havnt really decided what I am putting in it anyway. Its a toss up between a peaceful community tank with live bearers only, or two red scribbled discus, and some cardinal tetras. The community fish will be easier, but I would love to give discus a try. I have done a good amount of research on them, and I feel pretty good about them. If anyone has some nicely planted tanks, I would love to see what you have! Even if its not planted, but you would like to share, feel free!