Will they hatch??


New Member
hi guys i left my panther chameleon eggs in enclosure and never dug them up , went to dig them up about 3 months later they were fine and quite bigger than usual so i left them to grow some more another 2-3 months later there even bigger and really plump. I have now been told to add some heat to them as my room is around 68F and to get them to 74/75 F so ive put the tub under a heat mat with a habistat with thermometers sat at bottom of the tub and a hydrometer and all looks good at the minute but this is the first time that the eggs havent all died on me. With the infomation i have given and pictures of eggs will they hatch or at least a good chance of hatching?? Thanks james
My rule of thumb, is always incubate eggs. You just never know what will or will not hatch. I have had eggs hatch early and some hatch much later that I expected. Just go for it.:)
I do all my Panther eggs at room temp and allow them to fluctuate between 70-75! So far (*Knocks on wood*) I've had %100 hatch and survival rate!
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