
Instead of saying, "poo" or "poo-ing," can we all just learn to say defecate or feces? I can't believe my life is reduced to writing threads on this, but everytime i go on the forums, I feel like i'm going back to when i was 15 years old reading posts were people throw these terms in (ahem... granted this forums probably is comprised mostly of that age range).

I haven't seen 15 for years, "sigh". But thanks for the compliment.

By the way, I can't believe your life is reduced to writing threads about this either. You have my sympathy. :(
Fair enough if this was aobut text speak or the like - but poo!??!?! it is what it is...

you say tomato ...i say tomato senario.

It's not like i go out side and call my car my automobile... and get pissed at those that don't!
All I gotta say is HAHAHAHHAHAHAH !!

This thread had me laughing so hard.

I cant believe something so small could bug somebody so much!
Maybe you need to go see a vet ;)

Sounds like you got a serious case of the stupid.

Considering the amount of texting etc. I do, I hardly ever "text speak" unless I'm trying to annoy anyone, even with t9.
I was afraid of posting my thoughts about typos and the like because I figured they might be taken the wrong way (especially when I can already be considered a bad guy on this forum sometimes). I understand that with new technology "different" forms of communication have been adopted. I am a computer science major and a professional computer technician, so I'm pretty familiar with these trends. As such I realize that proper grammar in forum posts isn't necessarily an indicator of intelligence. That being said, when I read a bunch of gibberish, it's not a good first impression. Furthermore, when it becomes routine it definitely begs the question in my mind if the poster truly knows how to write. It has many negative connotations to me (young, uneducated, disrespectful, etc.) even though I realize none of it may be true! Perception is reality though.

I am also glad to do my part to stop this lackadaisical typing trend as I do not support it. :) Again, not knocking on anybody who practices this and I'm definitely NOT judging, I'm just letting you know what impact it has on me (and probably many others).

At least poop, poo and defaecate are synonymous.
What drives me crazy is people who use words that don't come close to meaning what they are intending to communicate.
For example (and there are several offenders ... so it's a good one to use):
People use the word, "weary" when they mean to say leery.
As in, "I didn't trust the information that vet gave me, he prescribed some medicine but I am weary of giving it to my chameleon."

Leery = suspicious

Weary = tired

It has many negative connotations to me (young, uneducated, disrespectful, etc.) even though I realize none of it may be true! Perception is reality though.

You are right, I thought you were a "one of those guys" when I first read your about me section in your profile...

About desultadox
Orlando, FL
Geek Squad
Lizards, video games, computers
I pwn

Guess we can't really judge books by thier covers....;)
I was a health inspector. I inspected septic systems. I have used the terms in a professional setting for years. Sewage, Efluent (liquid from the tank), septage(everything in the tank), and*hi*. are the common terms. I'm fron NJ - I use the S-word most of the time. It is only through the mental filter of the keyboard that I refrain from writing it. Poop is easier to type than feces. Two letters, right next to eachother on the keyboard, get over it.

Plus, I have kids - poop is the word I use around my girls, now that I'm in the South. In NJ, it was ca-ca, ca-cas, or cockies.

I prefer turds, myself, when describing the solid, well-formed fecal bolus after exitign the digestive system. It describes so much in one syllable. Feces can mean anything from a firm, well-formed stool, to watery diareeah form a girardia patient. The S-word is even more vague. Poop is slightly more concise than the S-word, but still vague in it's actual constitution. Poop and the S-word are alaso verbs, which adds to their utility, but detracts from their specificity.

Turds, however, are simply turds. It may (S-word/poop) a mushy, watery mess of (S-word/poop) indicicative of innumerable parasitic nightmares. But, if your chameleon leaves turds on the floor, chances are all is well.
Have kids......you say words like poo, poop, pee-pee......:D
No biggie unless you have to clean any of it up. Then its all crap. :)

That was good for my morning laugh to carry me on for the day! Thanks....it's just one word to describe one thing and funny how many words describe that one thing???
Plus, I have kids - poop is the word I use around my girls, now that I'm in the South. In NJ, it was ca-ca, ca-cas, or cockies.

Boy, THAT brought back memories! I grew up in Pennsylvania, Reading, not far from Phila, NY, NJ. We used Ka-Ka. We were too cool to use anything so infantile as poo or poop! Now, of course, I use those words all the time. And it's been only as a chameleon keeper that I learned to appreciate just how wonderful seeing a good healthy poop can be. When Guido got over his impaction, I thought "what have I been reduced to"- jumping up and down rejoicing over reptile poop! And taking pictures of it! And I even MEASURED it! We're all sick, aren't we?
Chameleon owners all seem to be obsessed with poop, urates and sunlight! What a strange group of individuals we are! :p It's a group that I'm very proud to be part of though!! :D I see nothing wrong with the word poop - in fact it's easy to say and type and everyone knows what you mean when you say poop!
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