working at aquarium!!! unpaid internship

If your at the aquarium I think you are y'all have an awesome Discus display.

*sigh* I wish more full fledged aquariums dealt with fresh water. "the Shed" in Chicago has the best Amazon exhibit in the country. Probably in the world. I know at one time they were the only commercial facility actively breeding Zebra Plecos. I don't know if they are any more.
we, do they are in with shovelnose catfish, and some baby tiger catfish, the discus are all diff colors and patterns, and they just have the same shape. they are one of my favs.
they are in with shovelnose catfish, and some baby tiger catfish

Your kidding right? That isn't a smart mix, and is a new mix. The Discus were kept with a few plecos and some species of tetras. They have to be freaking out surrounded by those big predators. If you don't talk to someone and get them to change that those discus will be goners!!

You have to be very careful what you mix with Discus. They stress so easy that usually active fish like danios are a no no. And big ass predators are definitely a no!
these discus have been in there for like 2 years, and they are fine, and they are in with fresh water angelfish, btw, the discus are bigger than the catfish, lol i already knew you would say that, but they move the cats out when they become large enough to eat the discus. lol
the discus are bigger than the catfish, lol i already knew you would say that, but they move the cats out when they become large enough to eat the discus. lol

You should have said that in the first place. :p

Both species of cats are relatively inactive swimmers so they shouldn't spook the discus.

Some people will argue that mixing angels with discus is a really bad idea. Me, I know different. Wile they do not run into each other in the wild, they can get along OK. Sometime you will have a problem child angel that can't be kept with anything let alone other angels or discus. But the real reason why most say not to do it is the fear that your angels will pass a deadly plague to your discus, killing them all overnight. This silly superstition stems from a time when even in the wild the "angel plague" all but wiped them out. The plague has been eliminated in captivity and as long as you QT wild specimens for at least a month, there is little to fear from them.

Myself and plenty others were victims of the angel plague, whole fish rooms were lost. There was nothing you could do to stop it.
oh, about QTing animals that are new, they do 31 days alone and the discus have the biggest mouthes in the exhibit, and thanks for your worries, they mean you all actually care. thanks
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