You All Lied to Me!

Having got my first cham almost 2 years ago, I still need to use tweezers and could never hold a cricket! Before I got Lily I couldn't even pick up a box of l;ocusts or crickets to get to a box of mealworms underneath!:eek: Lily taught me an awful lot, and I learnt ways to cope with the feeders too. I even got to the stage where I find it funny when a locust escapes - well until yesterday when one of the little blighters bit me!:eek:

It's amazing what you can overcome and do when you want something and love something badly enough! :D I must say, I'm more careful with locusts today, lol!
I scream like a little girl if a cricket touches me, lol. I don't like it when they look at me. Horrible things! Everything else im fine with just not them darn crickets. When i first started feeding my cham on grass hoppers i wouldn't touch them but now i like to sit and have one crawling up my arm, sweet little things and very cute.
I scream like a little girl if a cricket touches me, lol. I don't like it when they look at me. Horrible things! Everything else im fine with just not them darn crickets. When i first started feeding my cham on grass hoppers i wouldn't touch them but now i like to sit and have one crawling up my arm, sweet little things and very cute.

You think grasshoppers are cute, then you would LOVE my l'il silk moth (Moffy). It's so cute I can't bear to feed it to the chams! :eek::rolleyes: It looks like a teeny, tiny white bat, lol!:D
i hate to admit it...

im absolutely terrified of beetles so feeding roaches is out of the question for me. so much so that if i see a colony of roaches at the store ill turn around and walk out. im fine with crickets all worms but supers and baby mantises but adult praying mantises freak me out because of there huge eyes. plus im terrified of any bug with legs thats bigger than an inch and a half.
I am totally grossed out by superworms and use tweezers to put them in the feeding cup. Crickets are pretty non-threatening to me, but if one walks on me it does gross me out a little. One time I woke up to one walking on my face!

I won't actually touch any other types of worms, butter and wax worms are like hairless caterpillars; i used to play with caterpillars when I was young but now those too, gross me out.

I never actually used to be afraid of bugs at all, but one day, I decided to re-pot a Norfolk Pine because it was dying and I found two of these:

June Bug larva.

They were eating the roots and killing the tree. My BF at the time fed them to his Arowana. so gross, i literally recoiled in disgust and I've never been the same since!

Not all bugs are gross though, check this one out:

Rosy Maple Moth
You think grasshoppers are cute, then you would LOVE my l'il silk moth (Moffy). It's so cute I can't bear to feed it to the chams! :eek::rolleyes: It looks like a teeny, tiny white bat, lol!:D

Well Tiff, you named it. No way it will ever get fed off now. :p
But really its just a moth. I wish my cocoons would hatch for me.

Well Tiff, you named it. No way it will ever get fed off now. :p
But really its just a moth. I wish my cocoons would hatch for me.


But, Harry! Moffy is a special moth - my very first and it's oh, so cute too! The prettiest moth I have ever seen, lol!:D

Here's a pic of Moffy, my PET moth - NOT feeder moth, lol!:p

Okay I read the whole thread and I guess I'm a weird girl :rolleyes: , bugs don't bother me at all not even dubia. Allthough when I got my first colony I had issues about touching them. :eek: So I took a deep breath and reached in bare handed with 1,000 dubias and my fear was over. What does weird me out are spiders and scorpions. Just pull your "BIG GIRL PANTIES UP" and get over it! :p
i dropped a whole tub of crickets in my bed room i actually cried lol!!! i spent days looking for them all!!! it was not at al nice!!!!! :(
Okay I read the whole thread and I guess I'm a weird girl :rolleyes: , bugs don't bother me at all not even dubia. Allthough when I got my first colony I had issues about touching them. :eek: So I took a deep breath and reached in bare handed with 1,000 dubias and my fear was over. What does weird me out are spiders and scorpions. Just pull your "BIG GIRL PANTIES UP" and get over it! :p

I have a wolf spider as a pet :D I found her at work lol
well, lets face it, most people just plain don't like bugs (including me, i hate them, I like watching discovery channel and that type of stuff, and sometimes if its a "bug show" my skin crawls) its almost human nature. but i dont think it stops anyone from caring for the cham correctly, unless maybe its a genuine, severe phobia.

but when it comes to some things that fly, like big, exotic looking things or stinging insects, i am terrified. those are some great moth photos, very interesting, but i swear i'd have to arm myself with a flamethrower to feel safe around one of those, its like some unholy mix of a teddy bear and insect. oh, and LOL @ brad's post, that one takes the cake, haha

oh, and to add something else, the first time I ordered a bunch of superworms, i just sat there staring at the canvas bag forever. that sound reminded me of the "aliens" movie when the things are crawling around each other in the darkness, hunting the humans
You think grasshoppers are cute, then you would LOVE my l'il silk moth (Moffy). It's so cute I can't bear to feed it to the chams! :eek::rolleyes: It looks like a teeny, tiny white bat, lol!:D

Moffy is very cute i wouldn't feed little moffy to your cams either. If i had to i'd probs cry cause its sooo cute. I feel a bit guilty given mia grass hoppers. I once had mia on my shoulder and i was happily playing with this little very cute grass hopper until jaws (mia's nickname cause if i let her she would eat EVERYTHING) spotted the hopper and it was by by hopper. :( i could of cried. I'm even thinking of keeping some as pets. :) lol
Just like to say, supers don't really hurt when they bite. :) no need to fear that, but when they throw up it's really gross and sticky.

I like the roaches! They tickle!

Embrace the bugs!
Nope, completely serious.

I like my snakes because their food is nice and frozen. I just thaw it out and feed. No creepy crawlies involved.

Now that is one thing I could NEVER keep! No way on earth could I have a snake, lol! I would have to feed it cute ickle mice and I couldn't possibly keep a pet that would need to be fed with other things I would also keep as pets! When my cat eyes up my sugar glider, I tell her - "You don't eat family!":eek::D
Im cool with everything except "Roaches". I still cant bare hand my dubias and im good with hoppers, crix, horns, supers, silks, mantis, etc... Those damn roaches just make my skin crawl though. But I have to admit i think they are the absolute cleanest feeder ive ever bred or kept. No smell and they eat everything. lol
I used to be very scared of grasshoppers, but after 2 years I don't bother about any insects. Roaches are still a bit creepy but I have given my chameleons about any kind of insect you would imagine, including spiders and wasps and such. I especially like when they eat the insects I hate xD REVENGE!

By the way, have you ever tried eating waxmoth larvas or crickets? Did you know that the largest part of humans around the world eat insects? I know, i was thinking "No way i'm ever going to eat a bug' but I did, and actually these wax moths larvas are delicious! (these sweet and yellow worms) They taste like pistache nuts when roasted, :D:D
I've been exposed to crickets on and off since I was 9 and I'm absolutely terrified of them to this day. Both of my parents make fun of me for it lmao. When I first got my frogs 10 years ago my mom was horrified that we had to feed them live bugs. She got used to it and I never did so here I am still terrified of them rofl. They're so dam ugly and their sporadic movement bugs the hell out of me. I don't really mind the little pinheads but the adults really get me. Can't stand those suckers lmao. Ever since I got my cham though I have been able to feed her a lot better than I did with any of my frogs. So yea I feel just a bit better reading this topic and seeing some people are uneasy with their feeder insects.
@ Eszzie why are you eating your chameleon's bugs? I don't think he would appreciate you stealing from him!
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