I’ve reached new levels of making my neighbors think I’m a total weirdo…snipped off most of the leaves from the oak branches they put at the curb. After having to pay $30 for 2 small bags of leaf litter though, they can think I’m as weird as they want.
@pascal2023 needs info on female veiled as I have to no experience with females except my wife and daughters best to just nod my head and say fine sounds great.
OMG! Even after giving lots away and feeding them off for well over a week, I am still swimming in over 500 silkworms! There were only supposed to be 500 eggs in the container I bought.
Already have 3 1\2 inches in rain winds starting to pick up a little. Around noon will probably be really windy I'll keep you posted. Are you being affected yet?
For those strange little bugs and other animals that reproduce thru parthogenesis (without males), how do they decide to have babies? Is there some biological trigger or do they just think, “hey, I‘m lonely. Think I’ll create babies”?