Respitory Infection


New Member
So after weeks of searching for a vet, and many phone calls, I've come to the conclusion that no one around has any experience working with chameleons. Little Loki has had this infection for too long. Does anyone know anything I can do?
yes, he needs antibiotics like baytril or something lie that, you need to do something fast, my cham died last sunday :(
He had respiratory infection and I was giving my chameleon antibiotics but was too late.
You need to hydrate your cham.
But take him to the vet ASAP
If nothing else get a gram scale and get his weight so you can be telling the vets his weight and from what my vet told me in general baytril is the widest used because it will take care of the most and if anything if I know his weight and symptoms maybe my vet could possibly give the best recommendation to a vet near you I also have the dosage sheet for the weights too
Baytril is cheap, and its administered orally through a syringe. The amount depends on the weight of your Chameleon. My chameleon just got off of Baytril. It is a very hard on your Chameleons digestive organs. It can reduce your Chameleons appetite. It has made my Chameleon constipated. Hasn't pooped in 5 days now.

The Baytril also didn't fix the lower respiratory infection in my Chameleon. So I recommend your Vet do a Culture and sensitivity test as the Baytril may not be the right antibiotic for the infection and cause your Chameleon more problems on top of his respiratory infection. At least that's what has happened to me. Culture and sensitivity test's can be expensive but is necessary. May I add you to my Friends list? I would like to see how this turns out for you.
I'm having the same issue. Bodhi has a respeitory infection and the one vet that takes herps, in my area, has absolutely no knowledge on Chameleons. I've honestly started to consider giving him to someone who can get him better. I'm at a loss. I'm in the same boat as you. I wish there was a way to order antibiotics online. The only thing I can think of is ordering rept-aid off of LLL Reptile. It may work, it may not. But it's worth giving it a shot. What in the crap are people that live in small towns supposed to do? I can't necessarily drive hours away with a sick Chameleon. That alone would make him ten times worse.
The problem right now is finding any kind of vet... Of course you can add me.

I know it's hard. Stuck in between a rock and a hard place... I guess I should have looked more into this before getting an exotic reptile.

And I just quoted myself for some reason... Damn.
Do you either of you know if your chameleons have an upper or lower respiratory infection? What symptoms are occurring?
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