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  1. J

    Female Veiled

    I would LOVE to see female veiled enclosures. I am getting one and I want ideas for set ups! It would be GREATLY appreciated! thank you! (I previously owned one that passed away from being eggbound over a year ago, now that my severe fear of trying again has subsided I am going to do FLAWLESS...
  2. J

    Gravid Chameleon Diet

    What should my female veiled chameleon eat when she is gravid and how much until she lays eggs? I know to dust and feed their food plenty and feed them plenty after they lay so they can recoup, but how much does she eat while gravid?
  3. J


    I'm not sure what you mean by a university. The only one I can think of is our local university, and I don't think they could do anything for me.
  4. J


    I know, but they literally wont help if I do not have money. This is killing me. Watching her suffer.
  5. J


    Them not laying is one thing. And them being broken is another.. but both at the same time is agonizing. I know that if she made it and healed, I would take her to a rescue.. I would not keep her, after this incident, I have decided to stay away from female reptiles. I understand now that this...
  6. J


    I need help, immediately. My female veiled chameleon is gravid, and her tummy is very very big this time. I have dealt with her being gravid before, so I know exactly what to do. But she fell in her cage, due to how big her stomach is. I THINK she broke her spine or a rib or something cause she...
  7. J

    Female Veiled Chameleon

    She has got plenty of room for egg laying. I'm going to the pet store tomorrow for more food. She had 2 meal worms tonight, but she rejected anything else. I also assumed that she over heated and had a panic attack. I guess I transitioned her from cold to hot far too fast. That was my mistake...
  8. J

    Female Veiled Chameleon

    She is just sitting in her terrarium, hanging onto her branches. She looks like a soft green, but I can post pictures tomorrow or later tonight? She has a male right next to her in his terrarium, but she is blocked by a board. They cannot see each other. Her belly is very very big, she should be...
  9. J

    Female Veiled Chameleon

    Oh, thank you. She is a year, but I have HAD her for 7 months. She is a year and a month I do believe. I feed her meal worms and crickets dusted with calcium, and crickets fed carrots and calcium gummy bites (I forgot what they are called) She is on a good diet. I removed her water bowl for safety.
  10. J

    Female Veiled Chameleon

    Hello, I have a female veiled chameleon. And a couple problems.. I found her in her little water bowl this afternoon (I know most chameleons don't drink still water, but she is weird) She was actually laying in her bowl. She was ice cold, so I held her in a heating pad, and she had a panic...
  11. J

    Laying Eggs

    She is a bit dark and her skin is saggy. But other than that she seems okay. Although she just might still be laying them.
  12. J

    Laying Eggs

    I have heard when their skin is bony looking, or their skin looks saggy, they are dehydrated. And alright, she has been at it for 7 hours.. should i just wait till she goes back to her branches?
  13. J

    Laying Eggs

    I have a flower pot tipped over full of substrate, and she dug a hole in it. And she saw me for a few seconds, but thats all.
  14. J

    Laying Eggs

    My female veiled chameleon has been in her laying bin since around 12ish today, and its 7:30, and I can only see maybe five eggs. Is this normal? She looks dehydrated. Is she okay? Jenna
  15. J

    Not laying eggs.

  16. J

    Not laying eggs.

    Trust me, I've got enough soil, and a flower pot. She has been gravid for 2 weeks about. And i was wondering if they are supposed to lay by now? I've heard it can go up to nearly 2 months. Female Veiled chameleons 8 months My first time with her gravid.
  17. J


    Thank you very much. this is a big help. She is my baby, and i just worry about her all the time.
  18. J


    My Female veiled chameleon is shedding, and she is really moody and mean, and wont let me hold her, and she hisses when i put food in her terrarium/home. (I hate saying "cage" it sounds cruel) No this is not due to her just being a chameleon, not all chameleons are anti social. My girl loves to...
  19. J

    Male Veiled Chameleons

    Thank you guys! I just want a male for my female.. so i wanted to know if i could handle it the same. haha.
  20. J

    Male Veiled Chameleons

    Are male veiled chameleons just as nice as female ones?
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