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  1. Toph00

    Here are the gnats I was talking about.....

    So I posted a thread a week or so back talking about these gnats in flies in my cage and roaming around me room. I was told to get cider vinegar to get rid of them but, sadly, I've only caught one of the little jerks. Below, I finally got a picture of the flies in the cage. Crash seems to eat...
  2. Toph00

    flies and gnats?

    well i got some apple cider vinager and put 2 cups in my room. i was trying to kill a big one in my cage and it stopped right in front of Crashes head and he snatched it up. i guess he will help with the extermination process lol
  3. Toph00

    flies and gnats?

    so a cup of vinegar with a splash of dish detergent?
  4. Toph00

    flies and gnats?

    looks like i gotta make a trip to the store then lol
  5. Toph00

    flies and gnats?

    do you just buy a thing of cider vinegar at any grocery store?
  6. Toph00

    flies and gnats?

    they are are a brown color with long legs. the little tiny gnats are all over my room though. one is in my face while I am typing....i have had like 3 fly up my nose in the past week. i cant STAND it!! i have just been feeding crickets with some wax worms every so often
  7. Toph00

    flies and gnats?

    It seems like there are a bunch of little flies or gnats in my cage now. Occasionally, large skinny flies with long legs pops up and I kill them. Anyone know where they come from or how to get rid of them??
  8. Toph00

    How does my cage setup look?

    looks really good. I always try to have something small to from the base to the top of the pot in case of my guy falling on accident
  9. Toph00

    Crash is showing new color!

    My little cham is starting to show some new colors and I wanted to show everyone his progress! The first picture was about a month ago. the next 3 were pictures taken today and the last one was also today but it was more on the funny side hahaha NOM NOM. perhaps its contest worthy haha
  10. Toph00

    Some New Pictures

    How do you feed a free range chameleon? cup feed only? i feel like if you let a bunch of crix go on the plants in there they would just end up all over the place
  11. Toph00

    Coloring? or shedded skin?

    Will do! thanks
  12. Toph00

    Coloring? or shedded skin?

    no one? :(
  13. Toph00

    Coloring? or shedded skin?

    Chameleon- Hatched May 11, 2011 Handling- Once - twice a week Suppliments-Repashy Super Foods Calcium Plus (bought from the Kammers) Water-I have the Big Dripper and a Mist bottle Feeding-Small crickets gut loaded with Repashy Bug Burger (Also from Kammers) Cage Info: Cage type-16x16x20...
  14. Toph00

    Color Question w/ pics! (cont.)

    Great news! thanks, I'm just excited and eager to see what he will look like since ive never seen a full blown panther with color other than on this site :D
  15. Toph00

    Color Question w/ pics! (cont.)

    When he sleeps he has dark red (like blood red) stripes and is a light sand color. I have only seen two sheds since I've had him. I doubt he had any before I got him
  16. Toph00

    Color Question w/ pics! (cont.)

    Chameleon- Hatched May 11, 2011 Handling- Once - twice a week Suppliments-Repashy Super Foods Calcium Plus (bought from the Kammers) Water-I have the Big Dripper and a Mist bottle Feeding-Small crickets gut loaded with Repashy Bug Burger (Also from Kammers) Cage Info: Cage type-16x16x20...
  17. Toph00

    Color Question?

    I'll take a picture in the morning of his new post shed skin
  18. Toph00

    Color Question?

    I hate bein impatient!!!! I just can't wait lol
  19. Toph00

    Color Question?

    Krash! Chameleon- Hatched May 11, 2011 Handling- Once - twice a week Suppliments-Repashy Super Foods Calcium Plus (bought from the Kammers) Water-I have the Big Dripper and a Mist bottle Feeding-Small crickets gut loaded with Repashy Bug Burger (Also from Kammers) Cage Info: Cage...
  20. Toph00

    Who wants to help?

    Wyle is pretty clever. He is quiet crazy....and he tends to try and leap off of things often lol
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