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    receptive female ambalobie

    She is still for sale if any one wants to make a offer or mabe i might ship her.
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    receptive female ambalobie

    Hi i have a receptive female ambalobie panther chameleon she is availible for $225 locale pick up prefered but might ship.If you are interested you can pm me and i will tell you all about her eating habits and stuff like that.As you can see from the picks she is deffantly receptive she is 1 year...
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    panther breeding

    thanks i will see how they do tomarow
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    panther breeding

    Is there any other addvice i need.
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    panther breeding

    she did not darken her colors but did open her mouth only because he was opening his mouth at are hands at least thats what i think. do you leave your male and female panther chameleon together?
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    panther breeding

    the female is 13 months old and layed a clutch of eggs for the guy who had her 3 months ago and i just got a male so im eager to put them together. the male is about 20 months old. should i put them together again and just let them fight if they do or brake it up.
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    panther breeding

    Ok so i just put my female blue bar and male red bar together today for the first time cause i thaught she as receptive. First off when i put them together i realised the male was about 2 to 3 times bigger than her and she ways 88 grams. When they were together the male puffed out hs dullap and...
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    shed problems

    thanks for that i will pick some up and i dust the crickets other day.
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    shed problems

    we do gutload with oranges and romain we use babie food for the dubia. we use all-mineral, sticky tunge farms its got calcium, vitamin d3, and other vitamins just to let all of you know what ever i did right made her eat she was eating a few dubias and super worms when i went in there i am so...
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    shed problems

    thanks i will mist her down a little less and yes i do dust down her crickets i will try to find a vet who knows chameleons i have a very good bearded dragon vet i will see how good he is with chameleons. thanks her eye is starting to shed now and she is more active.
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    shed problems

    yes we do have a laying bin in with her i have had it with her for about 2 months. when i bought her three months ago she had layed a clutch for the guy a month before i bought her and theen he put her with a male and nothing happened so im thinking its a infertil cutch.
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    shed problems

    hameleon Info: Your Chameleon - shes a ambalobie female at 13 months. I have had her for 3 months Handling -i used to handel her once every few days but ever since she hasn't been eating i haven't held her...
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    shed problems

    Hi I am new to chameleons and have one adult female ambalobie she hasn't been eating for a month now. She would eat 2 mealworms 1 dubia and a few crickets. We think shes receptive but there is dry shed on her eye i was wondering how to get it off I soak her daily and put her in the shower to get...
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    dubias how many dubias do you have i am looking for some if there are enough for a cheap price, my panther loves dubias same with my bearded dragons they wont eat crickets any more, but i would go with ambalobie they have more like rainbow colors more so than just shades of blue like abanjas (...
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    Oorana Mena or Nosy Mitsio

    NOSY MITSO all the way in pics they look HUGE and there a gorgouse animal plus they are on the cheaper side but i still think for some reason i would go with the nosy mitso by the way are you going to buy one or do you just want every ones opinion
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    Chameleons are not toys

    i really wish spike could see that video and then give them a piece of his mind
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    Chameleons are not toys

    what people would treat some thing well first off they cost alot of money second chickens if they get the taste of blood they even kill another chicken, id like to put those idiots on some thing thats 4 times the size them and see how they like it . hate it when that happens just cant stand it.
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    :O didnt see this sections, pic timeeee (pic heavy lol)

    haha thats funny do you know her type and did you breed her
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    :O didnt see this sections, pic timeeee (pic heavy lol)

    beardies if your bearded dragon is getting lonely you can buy her a friend from me lol
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    New Beardies!

    awesome beardies do u know what type they are.
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