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  1. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    The only reason I didn't put dust on it this time is because last time I did it she seemed deterred. I always put the dust on it before [she didn't seem to mind] and that time she didn't like it. So the next few I try and will definitely put dust on them to see if she will take it. When I'm able...
  2. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    I opened her mouth and tried tail first and she actually chewed on it! She didn't eat the whole thing. The superworm actually startled me when I was holding her by grabbing onto the end of my finger, so when I pulled back the whole worm came out of her mouth! So when she opened again I put it...
  3. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    Okay, I'll try that. I almost got her to eat out of my hand once (when she was well), but now that she's sick that's probably out of the question. So I will also try the tweezers idea. Tail first, got it. I'd have to imagine that would hurt. Thank you!
  4. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    Actually I did try that a little after my last post. She closed her mouth on top of it and then left it there for a minute. When she came to and reached her arm out and around the front of her face and grabbed it out of her mouth and held it in her grasp. It was cute, but of course completely...
  5. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    New Pictures of Her New pictures that I've taken on her today. I got her some crickets and some superworms today. She's never had superworms so we'll see if she likes those. I put them in a tall plastic cup in the middle of her cage under a vine. She's looked down at them looking interested...
  6. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    Nope, no chewing. I have I think $10, and a quarter of a tank of gas to go 1.5hrs to vet. :( I appreciate all your help! Off to bed now and off to the pet store in the morning to get some different feeders. Thanks again all!
  7. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    Well, I kept getting infection out of the toe for a couple days while cleaning it. I continued cleaning it even after no more infection was coming out of it. It healed up nicely and it's been fine ever since. The spreading may be true, but she was fine after it healed, so I'm not sure. I've...
  8. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    A week/little over a week she hasn't been eating. I noticed when she hadn't eaten the crickets I put in there. Fresh, juicy ones that she normally loves. So I knew something was up. Her condition was a rollercoaster, today she seems to have improved some. She used to enjoy climbing on my face/on...
  9. Kitty

    animal crossing city folk = P / World of Warcraft

    World of Warcraft Server - Hakkar 72 Tauren Warrior [Arms] Kahleiah 71 Tauren Drood [Feral] Pullarius 48? Blood Elf Mage [Fire] KittyJun
  10. Kitty

    Tool - Rock band Fans..

    I like all those bands you listed, except for Priestess in which I have never heard. Tool is awesome, but I have to say I LOVE A Perfect Circle. I drown in that stuff.
  11. Kitty

    How Old Are You?

    20 going on 21 in June. :) Since the first week of December 2008. So, around 4-5 months.
  12. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    I appreciate your wishes and comment. I have read many an article stating this of Americans. Even as an American myself, observing others, I have met some rude ones out there. LOL! I've contemplated many a time moving overseas to Europe, but my dear Chameleon may not like that. :p
  13. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    I don't know who gave me this reputation: "Perhaps you shouldnt own an exotic pet if you live in the boonies and arent willing to drive it out for the proper care. I hope you can drum up some funds and compassion for it, which you should have been prepared for in the first place." But, it was...
  14. Kitty

    $60 EASY wicked cool disign screen cage

    Wonderful! I can't wait to be able to get the supplies to build my own.
  15. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    Thank you so much for your reply. When I get the money I should have plenty. I was just hoping it wasn't going to be an out of this world around $300-500 thing. Thank you to everyone who has replied and who may reply. It's greatly appreciated!
  16. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    Thank you. I've seen that one. Unfortunately, it's about 4 hours away. There is one I know of that is 1.5hours away that I could take her to. On the way back to Texas, if she survives, I will see if I can stop by that herp doctor to try and take a quick look at her. Thank you for all of your...
  17. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    Unfortunately, I probably live in one of the smallest cities in Mississippi at the moment. In mid-May I'm moving back to Houston, Texas. There is a vet I was referred to by the pet shop owner and assistant owner. The weather here is nothing for a Chameleon compared to Texas. And there is a giant...
  18. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    I wish I could, the closest one is 1 hour and 30 minutes away. She is TOTALLY worth...but unfortunately I don't have the money for it quite yet. If you don't mind me asking [of course if you have the time] How much does/did the vet visit cost (total)? Thank you.
  19. Kitty

    Skin Necrosis?

    A picture I just took of her. She is up and moving around and not near as wobbly and unsteady as she has been.
  20. Kitty

    The Question Game

    National Geographic
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