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  1. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    i've no idea where to get those here. i'll ask when i'm at the store
  2. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    lol... i have one, on sale at Canadian tire a few weeks ago. 29$ instead of 99! i never thought to measure their skin temp though. What should that be? i do love it. lets me easily check temp in different areas. Can walk through house and quickly check temps on all my critters.:D
  3. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    :confused::( i did read the box saw all those temps on it. But i swear, i wasn't getting even 80 about 4-6 inches from the top of the cage. i didn't see the not recommend for reptiles part. Why would they sell that in the reptile section of a pet store then??:confused: you just use a...
  4. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    Thanks again. i think i have just the perfect (fake) vine to put in there hiding away with my crestie stuff! I'll be out tomorrow and pick up a 75 watt bulb. picking legs off crickets.... haven't doen that since i was a young kid!! okay.. i'll give it a try. many thanks again for the...
  5. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    Thanks jason... i aquired a roach colony a few weeks ago. i am just making sure it is well established so that i don't have to go buy more. I have 17 geckos to feed too that I'm hoping ill take to the roaches well. this is a very good question. I had a panick when I got home too, cause I...
  6. crablady

    How do you

    Thanks! so no one has had problems with the screens wearing through? that's what i was worried about if there's pressure on those little wires of the screen if they would eventually break?
  7. crablady


    i'm so sad for you. i hope all the eggs are fertile and do well.
  8. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    i'm working on roaches for him. Are small mealworms safe?
  9. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    he is definitely very active. Circles his home continuously. I'm getting really concerned now, because in order to try to get the temps up, i put the heat lamp directly on the screen and he's continuously climbing around the screen and upside down across the top. i'm terrified of him getting...
  10. crablady

    How do you

    attatch fake plants and hold up vines etc in a screen enclosure? I'm used to glass aquariums where you can use suction cups, hot glue etc... How do you hang up a fake plant or keep a bendy fine in place? I've used pictuer wire, inserted through the screen holes and then fastened around at the...
  11. crablady

    Goodbye my sweet girl R.I.P. "M.J."

    so sorry you lost your beloved pet. Those are awesome pics to remember her by
  12. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    thanks. pulled out another light bulb and with the two. have basking are of 82 -84. outside the basking area is low 70s with the bottom of the enclosure around 70. Thanks.. i'm just a worry wart and hate the idea of a pet not doing well because I'm doing something wrong.
  13. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    maybe i'm just overly worried. he only ate one cricket yesterday. i was told by his breeder that he eats about 8. He has never eaten that much for me. i have not seen him drink in a week. urates looking yellowish, isn't that a sign that they're getting dehydrated? There is no sustrate in...
  14. crablady

    getting worried, and losing my confidence

    Cage Info: * Cage Type - switched 6 days ago from glass 10 with screen lid to 18x12824 aluminum frame, screen enclosure * Lighting - 'All Living Things' 60watt basking bulb and 5.0 uvb * Temperature - having a really hard time getting higher temps with the screen enclosure...
  15. crablady

    misting and drinking

    :(this brings me to my other concern.... he only ate one cricket yesterday
  16. crablady

    misting and drinking

    okay... i set up a dripper, although everytime i think i have it set just right it seems to stop on me. i am warming the water before misting. and am misting 4 times a day. Still have not seen him drink. So, if i put a drop on his nose, he may lick it off? poo still looks okay, but i would...
  17. crablady

    Pics of my enclosure

    This is how i keep hermit crabs. Although i don't go out and get a barrow full of dirt for my hermits. i use EE, i do however, go out to my garden and dig up earth worms and rolly polly bugs. the rolly pollies eat both mold and crab poo! there are those that completely empty their hermit...
  18. crablady

    New here... My introduction :-)

    Awesome pics! Welcome to the forums. i've just joined and have found people here most friendly and helpful!! i love your froggies (and you chams) What would the bare minimun size set up be for say 2 or 3 poison dart frogs? i'd love to have a few, but i'm pretty much out of room here. i've...
  19. crablady

    misting and drinking

    many thanks again for all the pointers. i've got a few days away planned and a wonderful relible petsitter, but i'll make sure i get a drip system up before i go, just to decrease my worry.
  20. crablady

    misting and drinking

    thanks... yes, i wasn't too worried esp iff he's eatin i figure he's drinking too. Was just wondering about him practically running from the water. i don't really spray him directly, but since he's small no and in a small enclosure he does get a few sprinkle on him. i'll try warming the...
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