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  1. TriSARAtop

    Everybody loves horses!! :)

    Jealous. This thread makes me want a horse. I've been horse back riding twice and have loved it.
  2. TriSARAtop

    beautiful babies!!

    Beautiful photos. Enter the second into the photo contest!! :d
  3. TriSARAtop


    I'm 5'5 so Id say he is decent size. I'm hoping he will get even bigger since he is not even a year yet. haha too funny. :p
  4. TriSARAtop


    I used to tease my bf for all of this forum stuff :(. Now I am just as bad. I guess I should say sorry to him if I haven't already lol. Tell your gf to bewareeee jk.
  5. TriSARAtop


    All of ours has been less than a year too :eek:. We bought our first in April 2011. Haha!
  6. TriSARAtop


    Shes just playing a little hard to get, thats all! :p
  7. TriSARAtop


    Yes did I mention this forum is an addiction as well! Only been on it for a week and I cant get enough. My bf has been on since august 2011 and I swear he is on it 24/7 too. Even when were not at home, he is on it on his phone!
  8. TriSARAtop


    Awwe! They will make beautiful babies!
  9. TriSARAtop


    Kink is one handsome veiled! Thinking a veiled cham will be in our future too!
  10. TriSARAtop


    LOL our 2 shepherds are being out numbered now by Chams.
  11. TriSARAtop


    Keep us posted when you get yours :).
  12. TriSARAtop


    So after seeing how people feel that chameleons/reptiles are addictions.. I figured lets start a thread on it!!! ColdbloodedAL and I have a CB male Jacksonii Xanth that is almost a year old. Name: Rango. 2 WC Male Nosys that we were going to wait til spring to get more but couldn't wait any...
  13. TriSARAtop

    so jelous.

    You know you have it bad when your designing what was supposed to be a guest bedroom more of a reptile bedroom just to have your chameleons in. LOL
  14. TriSARAtop

    so jelous.

    So veryyy trueee. I told the bf that he could only have one. Then it turned to okay you can have 3 all together. Now I want one of my preference and also a female to breed. We also adopted a bearded dragon.
  15. TriSARAtop


    At first I didnt see the chameleon blending in til I looked at it again! thats hilarious.
  16. TriSARAtop

    Mantis babies are hatching!!!

    Too funny.
  17. TriSARAtop

    Mantis babies are hatching!!!

    Would love to see since we didn't get to see ours.
  18. TriSARAtop

    one week hoehnelii

    So cuteee. Makes me want to get a photography camera so I can take good shots like this. :p
  19. TriSARAtop

    help! baby veiled wont eat

    Complete the information below so other members can help with your problem. Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What...
  20. TriSARAtop

    new pictures of skin proboem ppz look

    Vet visits are always a stress reliever too :). So thankful that we found a exotic vet only 10 mins from our house rather than an hour.
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