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  1. BKO Overdrive

    Wooden Dowels

    Ohhh i feel dumb now lol. Yeah ill do two tacs to keep it from spinning. Thank You!
  2. BKO Overdrive

    Ficus Trees and Automatic Misters

    Looks good, that first picture he looks pretty mad lol. But he looks happy in his other ones. What i would do, you dont have to, but it seems you did the same thing i did. I bought the starter kit that came with a Med cage and the dual light dome works nice on those. But since you got a bigger...
  3. BKO Overdrive

    Wooden Dowels

    Oh wow i didnt even think about it rotating. Good point, any tricks or tips on preventing it from rotating? Sadly ill prolly have to use the dowels as I dont have a tree on my property and i dont want to start sawing the neighbors tree limbs off lol. I have a Money Tree in there and Two Pathos...
  4. BKO Overdrive

    Wooden Dowels

    Oh yeah im def not going to clip the nails, i was hoping by adding harder surfaces and wider surfaces it would file them down slightly. What ill do is ill go to a hobby store and see what kind of dowels they have, ill get a range as you guys sugested. I currently only have two Large exo terra...
  5. BKO Overdrive

    Wooden Dowels

    I could do that as well. Isnt there a way to make them sturdier? Aka last longer. I think ive seen pic of people soaking them in something but i could be wrong, also trying to think of what I can use the naturally file my chams nails down. Her nails are getting really long
  6. BKO Overdrive

    Wooden Dowels

    So i see a few of you guys have these "bamboo" like rods in the terrariums. Are these simply Wooden Dowels held up by thumb tacs on each end? I have a 2x2x4' Cage and if i go on amazon i either see 36 inch or 12 inch. Obviously i need the 36 inch. I can cut sections off and have the correct...
  7. BKO Overdrive

    Raptor is getting some new colors!

    He looks amazing
  8. BKO Overdrive

    Nighttime Temps

    Yeah i figured as much, i didn't know they made ceramic heat lights, that would be perfect.
  9. BKO Overdrive

    Nighttime Temps

    Ahh Okay yeah thats another beast all together, would a heating pad work? Im not sure if a night heat light would allow them sleep. I think i saw someone used the red kind and at first it took them a while but eventually they got used to it
  10. BKO Overdrive

    Nighttime Temps

    I have a Veiled and mine get down to 73. She sleeps like a rock no problem
  11. BKO Overdrive

    Vincent has been acting really strange.

    My female vield would eat dirt, what i did was i bought fake leaves that zoo med sells, and i ripped and cut it into pieces and shoved them into the dirt at the bottom, so she still goes there to get some but there blocked by to many leaves. IF you have a wide area of dirt, stones would work better
  12. BKO Overdrive

    Ficus Trees and Automatic Misters

    1 should be enough, or if you want to make sure get a bigger size, or get two orders. Worse case you have extra and when this carpet gets old and gross you will have some to swap out
  13. BKO Overdrive


    Ohh ill have to do that, i poked a small hole in the top of my cage and made it drip from a high place, ill put the hose on a leaf.
  14. BKO Overdrive


    Ive never been able to get her to drink, the only time i got her to drink or see her drink is when i directly misted her with warm water, it would trigger her to drink i suppose.
  15. BKO Overdrive

    Ficus Trees and Automatic Misters

    Something like this: I used this and it works nice. I can take a picture later of the floor of my cage, you can cut it with scissors to adjust to...
  16. BKO Overdrive

    Ficus Trees and Automatic Misters

    Truth be told, i cant, i dont have a drainage system, I have the ability to make one but i havnt, i use reptile carpet at the bottom, i can only compare it to a green shammy. It absorbs water and dries rather fast, its dry by the time the next misting starts as i did check that. Every weekend i...
  17. BKO Overdrive


    As far as i know mine doesnt drink period. I have misters and a drip on her pathos plant, her urates are white and i have a camera installed watching her at all times and i never see her. I give her hornworms and i think thats the only way she stays hydrated lol
  18. BKO Overdrive

    Possibly Gravid Female

    I could be wrong but she doesn't look gravid to me, but the laying bin is a must around the 6 month mark. As far as how long it takes im not sure on that part. Im also waiting on my female to do something cause shes fat
  19. BKO Overdrive

    Ficus Trees and Automatic Misters

    Just have to do that once! Then your good to go
  20. BKO Overdrive

    Ficus Trees and Automatic Misters

    So the way the electric timer works(the one I linked from amazon). Is you set the current time. Then you can program 8 on/off times in it per a day. So what I did was I set it specifically to go on at 9:00:00 (third set being seconds) then to go off at 9:00:45. I did that each sequence at...
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