thanks for posting these! i always love your show pic threads. since we dont really have anything good here i always appreciate it.. kinda makes me feel like i got the jist of the show without the crowd :p
super cute veiled babies!
a lot of them are awful with everything, unless the person working in that section knows and cares enough to fix it. :p
edit : i think if you know what to look for you could buy one wherever you wanted. my initial look over would be looking for straight bones, eyes open and not walking on the...
That whole.. 2 times a month with d3 2 times a month multivitamins is usually what people do when using the rep-cal products.. It depends on how much d3 is in it...
I don't know what to suggest honestly. Post pictures?
pretty much that... just wait till you get married and its serious..then you will probably not be seeing much of your two best friends anymore. hah. sad but probably true.
ah man. wouldnt it be sweet if he could make some of those lights on luies face turn off so the mouth was "open" while the tongue was out so.. like - the tongue would turn off when the mouth was closed. you know what i mean? :cool:
My lights wake me up. I hate it so much. One is free ranging and one is in a cage so i have kind of a lot of lights turning on all at once. Bah! :rolleyes:
I don't think I'll get any replies but I would REALLY like to acquire a few film cameras. Mostly looking for 35mm slr or range finder types.
Ideally I would find some really nice people who would basically give them to me for shipping money or something like that but if you have one you...
The snakes were probably worth a lot more initially (pre hybrid) than the chams are, so it's unlikely the prices are going to be anywhere near that high - but I can't pretend to know how much these are worth... They are worth what people are willing to pay for them.
Also, someone mentioned and...
Does he have... ice fishing gear? (im not entirely sure what all that entails. hah.).. to me, christmas is the time to buy other people stuff they wouldnt buy themselves.. like something they always say is "too expensive" but you know they want it. Maybe some extra nice boots or a jacket or...