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  1. tucc185

    Draco- Flying Dragons

    Quick crappy phone pic of one of the females. I will post more once they settle in
  2. tucc185

    Draco- Flying Dragons

    So...I was lucky enough to get my hands on a 1.2 trio of Draco agamas out of Vietnam- a species I've wanted to work with for years. They are fresh imports and of course need all the care that goes along with that, but does anyone here have actual experience or knowledge of this genus? I've come...
  3. tucc185

    Africanus gaping and gasping

    She laid 25 eggs (normally, dug about 2' down in a trash barrel egg laying bin). She messed up her hand when laying (rubbed it raw and it got infected) so I removed her from the bin but she had filled in the hole and even dug a false tunnel. The next day she dropped a mass of infertile eggs and...
  4. tucc185

    Africanus gaping and gasping

    My female africanus (who laid a clutch about a month ago) is starting to spend a lot of time gaping while she basks and occasionally will gasp- it doesn't look like she is having trouble breathing, more like she is trying to expel air and when she does so she compresses her body. I recently had...
  5. tucc185

    Shipping Temperatures ?

    If it's being shipped by an experienced shipper I wouldn't worry about it. In a properly insulated container with a single heat pack it should do just fine.
  6. tucc185

    A rare Christmas present indeed:)

    good luck with the eggs, hopefully some make it. Let me know what they end up doing at the vet lab, I'll be curious to see what treatment they recommend and how it works out.
  7. tucc185

    Breeding Jacksons - some questions!

    They can (and often do) retain sperm. The average time between litters in my experience is about 5 months but it can be quite a bit more. One good way to tell if your female is working on a new batch of babies is to introduce a male and see if she assumes nonreceptive coloration. With my females...
  8. tucc185

    A rare Christmas present indeed:)

    It seems that egg laying takes a lot out of this species. My female took 3 days to lay, dug all the way down to the bottom of a rubbermaid trash barrel, and ripped her arm up in the process. It got infected pretty badly but I was able to treat it with baytril. Unfortunately, she lost the use of...
  9. tucc185

    Dry Panacur Question

    Here's an awesome resource about dosing common antibiotics, dewormers, and other commonly used medications on reptiles: You should be able to mix the dry panacur into a liquid and use the instructions for compounded liquid. Not sure I would mix it...
  10. tucc185

    My Chameleon Room (pics)

    a few new male ambilobe from chamalot, my male kenyan jacksons, my female aficanus, and one more shot of the chameleon room.
  11. tucc185

    My Chameleon Room (pics)

    Very nice holdback! I'll be really interested to see how they compare in terms of color in a few months once they get a little more growing in. I'll continue to post more pictures of my collection in the future, I've been content to just read posts here for the longest time but I think it's...
  12. tucc185

    My Chameleon Room (pics)

    good eye... I did pick up a spectacular ambilobe from Chamalot this past weekend at the Orlando Repticon. Couldn't be happier with him, they have the absolute best chameleons out there
  13. tucc185

    My Chameleon Room (pics)

    Well, after lots of work and time getting everything together, arranging cages, and finally investing in some wire racks, I'm just about done with my chameleon room... or garage, I suppose. 9 reptariums, each one isolated visually by plastic trashbag partitions. I have a monsoon mist system...
  14. tucc185

    Chamaeleo africanus surprise!

    Agreed, I have a clutch incubating right now and I'm trying to compile as much information as I can on this species. It would be great to get a viable CB population going in the US--especially since the imports seem so touchy
  15. tucc185

    Chamaeleo africanus surprise!

    careful with them, they're very difficult to bounce back from egg-laying. Try to give her a large egg-laying box just in case she retained a few. They are incredible diggers fyi and will tunnel 30" straight down to lay.
  16. tucc185

    Polychrus Anoles

    Thanks for the info! So far she hasn't shown any interest in veggies but I'll keep trying. What temps did you incubate the eggs at? How long?
  17. tucc185

    Polychrus Anoles

    Which species? Have you had a chance to breed yours? What do you feed? Mine has refused food for a while now, I'm wondering whether they might be lizard or snail eaters in the wild. Either that or she's in the middle of a brumation thing. She's only had the occasional force fed cricket but she's...
  18. tucc185

    Polychrus Anoles

    maybe this will work
  19. tucc185

    Polychrus Anoles

    Thanks, not sure why the picture is showing up upside down. I'll try again
  20. tucc185

    Polychrus Anoles

    I acquired one of these (Polychrus acuitirostris) a few weeks ago, it's a really cool species that I can find next to no info about. Has anyone kept these before? Any tips? From what little I have found they inhabit grasslands in Brazil and Paraguay.
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