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  1. zsazsa85

    Comment by 'zsazsa85' in media '27370.jpg'

    Lovely! :)
  2. zsazsa85

    Zenia rest in peace

    That's terrible!I'm so sorry Cait! :( Every time I step in the room I take a deep breath, because I never know what's waiting for me there. So every day I spend with my cham is kind of a big release! (I hope you know what I mean?!) You can never know with chams, that's for sure... :( Take my...
  3. zsazsa85

    Does she look gravid?

    Hi there, In my girl's case the bin I placed for her wasn't good enough for het, so she didn't touch it. But when she started to dig at the plastic bottom I put her in a deep garbage can with 12" deep moist playsand and she started to dig right a way. So keep your eye on her! Mine got eggbound...
  4. zsazsa85

    Hard Candy

    Congrats! Excellent composition again! :)
  5. zsazsa85

    Please send positive thoughts

    I wish my bests for your chams Debbie! I hope it is just a quick sickness which will go away fast! And in Omar's case, at least it is not too bad,so hopefully the healing cream will help soon! :( Keep us updated, let us know what the vet said!
  6. zsazsa85

    George update thread

    George is a very pretty boy! :) Like the pics!
  7. zsazsa85

    How to supplement chameleon?

    What I do and what I think most of us does: -I use every feeding calcium without D3 -once every two weeks (which are Sundays in my case) Calcium with D3 and Multivitamin with D3 I use a tall juice jug which I bought in a dollar store. I just pour a little supplement in the jug and drop the...
  8. zsazsa85

    Chameleon Tongue

    Oh this sounds terrible! I couldn't say anything else but just keep it moist and take him to the vet. I've read many stories about amputated tongues and all the chams lived happily after. If this will happen to yours, I'm sure he will learn how to live without a tongue! My very best luck!! And...
  9. zsazsa85

    Merlin is perfect !

    Congratulations! Merlin seems like a very curious little guy! :) Have fun!
  10. zsazsa85

    How young to buy baby Veiled?

    Agree! At least 3 months old!
  11. zsazsa85

    Jasonii Parsonii questionii.

    Love your Parsoniis! I think I fell in love with them as well few weeks ago! :) I've never met any in person unfortunately. Congratulations for the successfully breeding! Hopefully one day I will be confident enough to keep a Parsonii. :)
  12. zsazsa85

    Babies 11 and 1/2 Weeks Old Photo Shoot

    They are lovely Jann! :) Adorable kids!
  13. zsazsa85

    Which fluorescent tube is better?

    Thank you! I'm pretty sure I will buy it in the future. I've heard only good things about that!
  14. zsazsa85

    Which fluorescent tube is better?

    Thanks so much! I don't like to switch if something works! :)
  15. zsazsa85

    Which fluorescent tube is better?

    Hi Guys, I'm trying to decide, Zoo Med ReptiSun or Exo Terra ReptiGlo? I had Zoo med before and worked perfectly, but in the store they sell the Exo Terra. There is 3% difference in the UVA between the two brands. Does it matter? Thank you!
  16. zsazsa85


    Great news! :) He looks cute and healthy! I wish my bests!
  17. zsazsa85

    my female veiled chameleon is acting weird

    Definitely provide her a proper laying bin ASAP!!!! Check these out: It is very urgent to do something!!!!!!
  18. zsazsa85

    funny little guy drinking

    Wow I can see, he/she is growing! I remember when you got her/him! Very cute! :) These guys are adorable! Mine was funny with the spray bottle too!
  19. zsazsa85

    Sweetest Chameleon

    Congratulations! It is really amazing! :) Post more pics please! :)
  20. zsazsa85

    The Great Grand's Posing For Some Photos

    Lovely!!!!!! :) Love them!
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