I have some left over eye drops from the vet, some ointment,(havent had to use both in about 4-5 months now:)). Vit A. capsules, D3 calcium supplement.
Now, I dont own a veiled, but from what I can tell, the size doesnt seem to much of a difference when it comes to a male/female. Male would certainly be easier I would think, just because you dont have to worry with the cham laying eggs and such, and Ive heard females get real cranky when...
It was funny, cause he NEVER leaves his cage, this was a sort of, "What the hell?" moments, and the fact that I woke up to find him like this was weird:rolleyes:
So this morning,I open my eyes, to find that Louie was outside his cage! His cage is a terrarium, so I finding him climbing outside of his cage really suprised me! He was sitting there upside down, staring at me. So I got up real slow not to scare him and put him back in his cage, luckily he...
Thats cool! I guess as long as he doesnt eat her crickets for her, hes no harm. Maybe if she sees him eat the crickets,she might eat him, sort of a 2 in 1 thing:D