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  1. mvad

    Sassy Veiled

    I've had my veiled for over a year. He is now just letting me hand feed him superworms. Its not for my lack of trying. I think a lot depends on the overall temperament of the individual chameleon.
  2. mvad

    Questions about plants.

    Depending on how long and the frequency of misting will affect how much water the plants get. A heavily planted enclosure, like mine, requires additional weekly watering for my 36 inch ficus and my huge pothos. When in doubt check the soil. If just the top of the soil is wet after misting, give...
  3. mvad

    Is setup okay for baking/hiding?

    Many people uses glass enclosures and are successful keepers. I feel an all screen enclosure is better suited to veiled chameleons. Also think about getting rid of the substrate, it's not needed. When considering a chameleon as a pet research is your friend. When I was setting up my enclosure I...
  4. mvad

    Recommended lighting and heat for my setup.

    A full screen enclosure is preferable to glass. A infrared ceramic heater is not needed in most cases if the room the cham is in doesnt drop much below ~60f. A veiled cham can handle temps into the 50s in the wild. As long as you have your basking light coming on in the morning you'll be fine...
  5. mvad


    Others have had great success with banana roaches as well.
  6. mvad

    Flukers Repta boost?

    Do you feel your vet is not well trained in working with chameleons? If not its a valid question to those who have gone through the same jaw infection with their chameleons. Good luck, I hope your cham is already on the mend.
  7. mvad

    New Enclosure

    That will be an amazing enclosure. Go with the mistking. It's a fantastic product.
  8. mvad

    Is this a good setup

    The monsoon mister is junk. If you can, return it asap. Get a mistking and be done with it. A large consensus with people who have had them is that they will fail. Also lightyourreptiles has some of the best lighting options for the health of your cham and live plants. Larry can answer all your...
  9. mvad

    Once again..... HELP ME EXPERT PEOPLE!!!

    Chameleons are not a cheap animal to own. Why don't you save some money then buy the correct enclosure and supplies.
  10. mvad

    lll reptile

    I've had only great experiences with them. Got my male veiled and a ficusfrom them too. Both are doing very well. Just a suggestion, but set your enclosure up before getting you chameleon. No need for added stress when he/she arrives. My veiled was shipped from CA to RI so to say he was eager to...
  11. mvad

    Another rant about petco

    People should not "rescue" anything from these places. They will just restock their "shelves". I felt bad every time I went in to get my fish tank filters and saw how they keep the chameleons. I started ordering my filters directly from the company so I don't support Petco.
  12. mvad

    Chameleon fell from 9 feet.

    Agree 100%. Bamboo is not a good type of branch to use in cham enclosure. Way to slippery when dry. Wet, even worse.
  13. mvad

    B. thamnobates at Dragon Strand (image heavy!)

    Beautiful chameleons! Congrats and good luck with them!
  14. mvad

    2' x 2' stand for mesh cage

    I had the same issue in finding an appropriate sized base for my 2x2x4 cage. I went to a couple of salvation armies or thrift furniture stores. Got a cube table that was perfect size for $7. Works perfect.
  15. mvad

    New to the Forum!!

    Well played. Your doing research and not impulse buying a chameleon like so many do. Then they come the forum with bigger issues that could have been avoided. Good luck and enjoy the new cham!
  16. mvad

    Best Ingredients for a gut load?

    Sure but not only bug burger. Proven fruits and veggies also are needed to provide optimal health
  17. mvad

    I need help

    Not to be rude but do some research before acquiring an advanced reptile like a chameleon. Chameleon cantinas are NOT good enclosures for a chameleon. I know your looking for help to save your chameleon but please read the following:
  18. mvad

    Best Ingredients for a gut load?

    Scroll down to gutload section. It's a good guide to get you started.
  19. mvad

    National Geographic: Chameleons Are Amazing Video

    Great video, thanks
  20. mvad

    Chameleon cantina drinking fountain

    Check out the similar threads at the bottom of this page. Lots of reviews. -My opinion of the cantinait is terrible. Breeding ground for bacteria, loud, nothing special. I know some have been very happy with it and have seen their chams using it regularly. A feel a dripper and misting system...
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