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  1. Clifford

    cage size

    2 foot wide - or more 2 foot deep 4 foot height (placed on top of something so that the top is above your own head)
  2. Clifford

    Baby mealworms

    The woman I got my chameleon from used baby mealworms as part of the diet she feeds her baby chameleons. She uses a lot of different bugs, and says that's the best thing for chameleons. Anyhow my cham, once one of her babies, is a middle-aged adult and in good health, so his early diet clearly...
  3. Clifford

    New Questions!

    Gutloading means feeding the crickets and other insects a healthy selection of vegetables and fruits (dandelion, romaine, oranges, yam, bee pollen...), to make them more nutritious for the chameleon. If you are not doing that, you need to start. Just do a search on gutloading. Buy the...
  4. Clifford

    To all the Veterans out there!

    SandraChameleon's blog has good stuff
  5. Clifford

    What else do we do with our time

    I like to visit the local pub. I work in IT.
  6. Clifford

    Best way to transport?

    I use one of those - wrapped in a face towel, put in the box and taped down (so it doesnt slide into him).
  7. Clifford

    Frog Moss?

    What if you had a "clean up crew" like wood louse and spring tails and earth worms - you wouldnt need to clean up as often, right? but I actually agree with you - no substrate is far easier.
  8. Clifford

    Hi :)

    Hello and welcome
  9. Clifford


    Mine does that too! I dont know if it is the white colour, or if he really detects and remembers a difference in taste or texture. He gets mealworms every week, and its not a problem for his digestion BTW
  10. Clifford

    Anybody watch avatar

    Visually interesting, but really a very predicatable story. Not at all worth all the hype.
  11. Clifford

    beer drinkers...

    Alexander Keith's India Pale Ale those that like it, like it a lot
  12. Clifford

    Are female veiled chameleons a lot harder to keep than males??

    Females are great, but For a first timer, a male is likely best.
  13. Clifford

    Comment by 'Clifford' in 'Feeder Nutrition & Gutloading'

    Im voting for this one as a best blog
  14. Clifford

    I'm DrUnK!11

    If there's not enough blood in your alcohol system, maybe posting on the forum isnt the best thing to do? have another drink instead ;)
  15. Clifford

    Basking a lot

    How much is most of the day? Mine moves around quite a lot most days.
  16. Clifford

    disposing of old UV bulbs

    Maybe you should do a little reading and learn about the harm you are causing.
  17. Clifford

    Happy New year! 2010!

    Happy New Year to you too
  18. Clifford

    About heating a chameleon

    I use a light bulb too
  19. Clifford

    Humidity tricks

    Wouldnt too much heavy fog risk a respiratory infection? They like it moderately humid, but they're not fog/mist dwellers.
  20. Clifford


    Hi. Im on the island also. I have a nosy be. What type of chameleon is your avatar?
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