The woman I got my chameleon from used baby mealworms as part of the diet she feeds her baby chameleons. She uses a lot of different bugs, and says that's the best thing for chameleons. Anyhow my cham, once one of her babies, is a middle-aged adult and in good health, so his early diet clearly...
Gutloading means feeding the crickets and other insects a healthy selection of vegetables and fruits (dandelion, romaine, oranges, yam, bee pollen...), to make them more nutritious for the chameleon. If you are not doing that, you need to start. Just do a search on gutloading.
Buy the...
What if you had a "clean up crew" like wood louse and spring tails and earth worms - you wouldnt need to clean up as often, right?
but I actually agree with you - no substrate is far easier.
Mine does that too! I dont know if it is the white colour, or if he really detects and remembers a difference in taste or texture.
He gets mealworms every week, and its not a problem for his digestion BTW