I back this as well. I free range almost all my animals but I would never free-range pygmys. They are so small that it is very easy to provide them with a plenty large enough enclosure such that the effects of free-ranging would be virtually non-existant and the harms would be far too great...
can't quite tell how you made the bottom of your tank, but you need a drainage layer otherwise it will just become a muddy mess
Are your plants in soil planters surrounded by the gravel? The soil should not be on the very bottom of the tank, you should have 1-2" of just gravel down there to...
well if you want something done right.....plus this is an expensive hobby anyway :P
The false walls themselves are pretty cheap to make, it is just expensive buying the materials. But if you do this alot (as I do) then you buy the materials in bulk and can make a ton of them. I do wish there...
I use multiple plastic planters with the bottom cut out and aluminum screen hot glued onto them (so they don't drown when misters hit them).
some jump out on occasion, but for the most part it works pretty well. though my free-range is semi-enclosed so the few who jump out don't get far and...
I have experienced a new eye issue with my female panther as of 2 days ago and it is beginning to worry me. Her left eye is bloated (looks identical as if there is something in her eye).
However, she does NOT scratch/"pop" the eye at all. Also, she opens/closes it comfortably and "seeks" with...
I would have to throw another +1 for Dr. Greek.
He knows what he's talking about and has one of the nicest vet facilities I have ever seen. Plus, he,and his staff, don't give you the corporate treatment that you get everywhere else. Highly recommended.
I use a very similar technique for dart frogs. Be wary that dart frogs are far more sensitive to their water (I treat them like aquariums essentially).
I don't do the background paint layer on foam (for fake dirt), and for fake rock I highly suggest testing your water with a basic pH kit to...
ahh a likely possibility I hadn't considered....eitherway, time to clean up my racks and start prelims on that pygmy breeding project I've wanted to do for a while now :)
why 6"? you want to have more foliage in the tank, not just groundcover.
If you take a look at the Stickied "Frequently Asked Questions" thread, there is a link to the safe plant list along with many other basic questions covered
Here is the direct link...
I didn't read this thread too closely but just a few quick points:
-they do close their eyes at night when they are sleeping.
-you should not have a water dish (they will drown easier than you think)
-mist regularly
-they REALLY should not be giving away 3 day old chams. they need special...
Hey all,
Not really sure where to ask since I'm not a huge bird guy, but my cousin found this bird outside....I am not familiar with it based on its looks (I have kept lovebirds, conures, cockatiels, etc. in the past)
Long story short, the bird is SUPER DOMESTICATED. They found her...
Natural sunlight is perfectly fine (and in many cases preferable).
As long as your temperatures are right (generally sunny in the 70s-80s) you do not need a heat lamp or a UV bulb. That is implying that your chameleon lives in the sunlight all the time (that is, he gets a "full" day cycle)...
I tried to look, albeit not very thoroughly.....
Does anyone know where Tanzania would release information regarding pygmy export regulations/changes?
And, does anyone know if they have changed?
I'm seeing an increase in the number of pygmy posts around....not sure if its just the...
Don't see any problems with the shower curtain, although you might want to watch for issues if they try to climb the curtain.
Also, just realize that whenever you free-range, you need to make sure to "cham proof" a larger area. They will not necessarily stay in the area you have set for them...
Hello all,
If you have had any legal issues regarding your animals, whether disputes over legality, purchases, or otherwise: I can help. I have recently been admitted to the CA bar and am looking to expand my practice in the areas of exotic animal law.
I am offering free/low-cost legal...
Seems like you already found a home for her, but if needed I can take her in....although I am also out in CA so I don't know if that helps :)
Good luck!
There is no info regarding light output on the link you provided so these are likely to be junky/generic bulbs.
They should work fine for basic plant support but you don't really know what, or how much, light you are getting. It may work, or it may be garbage but without info on the lights...
I love do-it-yourself builds!
Make sure to seal your wood somehow :)
I don't understand how you plan to do drainage? That is, what is the reservoir made of?
This is how I ended up doing it on my build, slight elevation and used a laundry plastic tray. I drill a hole in the side and...