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  1. Jono

    Baby Cham Delivery?!?

    As much as you want to be the one who unpacks him and puts him in his tree do as much as possible, as soon as possible or you may regret it. I think we both know your mum will be fine with it so don't keep the little guy in there a minute longer than he needs to be ;)
  2. Jono

    Need Help for a baby Veiled Cham

    Shame poor little guy! With the the right TLC he can still live a good, healthy life so just keep at it!
  3. Jono

    Can't Stop Posting Trioceros Pictures!

    Don't fight it! Post! Post! Post! :)
  4. Jono

    Importing chameleons into South Africa.... quarantine!

    It sucks but the bigger picture is our local species are a lot less likely to be wiped out by a foreign bred virus or parasite. South African wildlife experts are arguably the best in the world so you can imagine there was quite a bit of foresight that went into these decisions.
  5. Jono

    Photo of Miltons new home

    I think it rocks! Good on your for experimenting and trying something new. Only by challenging what is known will we discover better ways of doing things. As mentioned before water within the system can be used very successfully to grow plants completely organically, its just a matter of...
  6. Jono

    my chameleons

    I really like your Rhampholeon spinosum!
  7. Jono

    Provoking a colour response.

    Nice one looking great!
  8. Jono

    Provoking a colour response.

    Haha last try: Printed out one of Jan's pics of her boy in full bloom and snuck up on George's cage. No luck :P Oh and thanks for the other suggestions: tried him in a tree and waking him up but no luck. Ended up having to climb the tree, little guys faster than you think :D
  9. Jono

    I hate Ants!

    Remember ants mark food with pheromones so you can be certain your containers are covered in them. The boiling water should have helped a bit but I would give them a thorough clean (maybe even with a bit of diluted bleach) so the little buggers don't find their way back.
  10. Jono

    Sleepy Jackson's Neonates

    From 0 to 7 I like your thinking :D Little guys look awesome.
  11. Jono

    Everyone Love Babies!! Pic Heavy

    Babies!? Pic Heavy!? Sounds like my kind of thread :D
  12. Jono

    Video of Guin trying to get to his crickets

    Read that article about your setup awhile back, still very jealous!
  13. Jono

    Provoking a colour response.

    Well then I should I just got a boring non-colour changing reptile:p
  14. Jono

    Another Question Dark and Then light

    Your cham is the closer in shape and colour than any other cham I've seen on these forums :D Mine has those colours exactly: the slightly darker browns inside under lights and then the lighter greens when hes in the sun (unless hes a bit chilly then he uses more browns to catch more sun.)...
  15. Jono

    Provoking a colour response.

    George is close on a year now and I have yet to see him in full bloom, as it were. He has a very comfortable routine and a lot of his own space and hiding spots so I've never seen him more than mildly irritated,he has never used his colors in aggression or courting. The closest I've come is...
  16. Jono


    You seem enthusiastic and keen to learn: you will do fine :) Best of luck!
  17. Jono

    Mist King Button

    Love this! Thanks for taking time to detail it. I'm really impressed by your refinement of the housing and inner workings! Heres a million dollar idea: How about making a small weight activated platform that turns the mister on? A few simple springs and a waterproof switch, maybe even build...
  18. Jono

    A 3 month old baby of mine posted by a friend on utube

    Nice big space! I'm sure you will fill it over time. Welcome and good luck!
  19. Jono

    Should I buy (save) this guy??

    I'd get him. :) Its possible that the store may not look after him properly. Its definite that you could look after him well and give the little guy a good life.
  20. Jono

    help, fruit flies escaped!

    You need a really small butterfly net and oh, say about several hours to spare :D Fly paper?
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