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  1. Eric Adrignola

    Follicular Stasis....poor baby

    What was the reason that she was diagnosed? If she isn'tready to lay the eggs, and has not even attempted to lay the eggs, why do they think there's something wrong? If she's been on the ground, it's probably not far from when she needs to lay eggs. they don't take long to go from being...
  2. Eric Adrignola

    Hunger strike w/ my 8 mo old Veiled, or...?

    They start eating again after a few days. sometimes more. I used to have 2 week hunger strikes with my veileds. I was feeding too much. For adults, I fed them just enough to maintain their body weight - a few insects every other day. They were never fat, but always hungry. Growing...
  3. Eric Adrignola

    Got Daddy Long Legs???

    There are two different things called daddy long legs. The ones you found outdoors, around your house, are harvestmen. They have round bodies and long hair like legs. Not even spiders. Olipodae, or something like that. Harmless. The ones people find in basements, bathrooms,etc, are...
  4. Eric Adrignola

    Hatchling Meller's Swollen Throat?

    Edema, or a swelling due to fluids in body tissues, are often a result of imbalances in vitamins. Most commonly, it's a vitamin A imbalance. The problem is determining whether it's too much vitamin A or too little. I would talk to the breeder and see how much if any vitamin supplementation...
  5. Eric Adrignola

    hatchlings haven't ate yet

    It depends on the size that they hatched out. If incubated at a cooler temp, they could be larger. They will usually eat 1/8" crickets from the start. What are you feeding them? Some retail stores will sell "pinheads" crickets, but what they are are actually much bigger.
  6. Eric Adrignola

    Hunger strike after meds

    Preventative baytril... Rough on chameleons kidneys. Give Lots of water. Bacterial overgrowth in a fecal sample?
  7. Eric Adrignola

    How to free range AND supplement UVB?

    I would say try to find a spot - the highest point, usually - to establish as a basking area. Heat lamp and uvb. If he prefers another spot, move the fixture. They tend to have one area where they bask.
  8. Eric Adrignola

    Chico is in full recovery mode!!!

    I don't know the effect of ponazuril - but that's pretty common for albon. It wipes out their intestinal flora. Tends to kill their appetite for a while. The feet look swollen. Are the back feet as swollen as the front?
  9. Eric Adrignola

    Chico is in full recovery mode!!!

    Coccidia is common, and is usually something I would treat only if its a debilitating infection. IF there's just a few in there, I would hold off until it's recovered from the MBD before subjecting it to further stress. And not with Albon. I recall arguing with Steve Davidson back in the...
  10. Eric Adrignola

    Tanzania June 2015

    MOAR! I love seeing these pics. I will go there myself one day...
  11. Eric Adrignola

    Large eye holes on hatchlings

    I had an entire clutch of veiled come up with a similar problem - only the eye holes never fused. They looked like the above pic, but also were open all the way on one side. Like it never zipped shut. I believe it was due to a sudden increase in temperature during incubation. The room they...
  12. Eric Adrignola

    T. Hoehnelii Swollen Neck

    edema can be caused by a number of things. It is a result of inflammation sometimes, for instance. However, what we are dealing with is likely as you describe: fluid leaking out of blood vessels. Tiny capillaries are just a few cell layers thick at most. There is fluid in the blood...
  13. Eric Adrignola

    T. Hoehnelii Swollen Neck

    I wonder if anyone has a good diagram of a chameleon's circulatory system. It would be interesting to trace the edema to its source. Is it due to a swollen liver, backing up the blood flow, resulting in a higher blood pressure in the veins? Similar to the esophophageal variaces in alcoholics...
  14. Eric Adrignola

    What Technology Do Reptile Owners Want?

    There are programs available for the raspberry pi to monitor and control your enclosure's environment. The pi is essentially a tiny computer processor and RAM, coupled with flash memory. You plug it into a monitor and it allows you to have the functionality of a smart phone using pre-existing...
  15. Eric Adrignola

    New thread for Chico. 6 month old veiled with mbd

    I'm not sure if the pictures above that I thought you were calling a male were, in fact, the ones you intended! Maybe I was looking at the female. The last picture you posted isn't showing the spurs, however. Coloration is difficult to go by at certain ages. Males may go through a phase...
  16. Eric Adrignola

    Common chameleon // Male Veiled

    nature would be the crossing of adjacent species: calyptratus and arabicus. This can and does happen. This even resulted in them initially naming it a subspecies: C.calyptratus calcarifer or something like that... Taking an animal and crossing it with an animal from thousands of miles...
  17. Eric Adrignola

    Tried every bug and won't eat!

    How old is he and how much did you feed him? I had hunger strikes all the time when I started. I'd feed them as much as they wanted -10, 15 crickets a day or more. They'd stop eating for weeks at a time. I was frustrated. now, I keep them perpetually hungry. Excellent body condition, thin...
  18. Eric Adrignola

    New thread for Chico. 6 month old veiled with mbd

    The female in the sand in the last picture is going to need to lay those eggs very soon - they've taken a toll on her. the base of her tail is showing it. Make sure the soil is wet enough she can tunnel with out it collapsing in on her. There's no question, both pics show females. Casque...
  19. Eric Adrignola

    New thread for Chico. 6 month old veiled with mbd

    Not only is that definitely a female, it is showing blue spots with some yellow - classic gravid veiled colors. It's possibly gravid. That would exacerbate any calcium problem it might have. A male veiled has a very pronounced spur - so much so that it's obvious when they are hatchlings...
  20. Eric Adrignola

    Not sure if I should be worried

    The tip of her lower jaw is swollen. Often, this is from an injury that gets infected. Often that injury is from an insect leg poking them in the gums/lip. I had recurring problems like this in my deremensis for a couple years, until Carlton suggested a vitamin C problem might be to blame...
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