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  1. Tiger Rye

    Kimbo Parsonii

    Love this picture! He looks really good and happy. Keep up the good work.
  2. Tiger Rye

    Space Jump Sucess!!!!!!

    The view right before he jumped is absolutely staggering. I can't even imagine what that's got to feel like.
  3. Tiger Rye

    "Natural" Forest Floor Terrarium "Testing" Build!

    Terrarium looks good. Love the jewel orchid!
  4. Tiger Rye

    The Daedalus & Azura Clutch Photo Thread

    WOW! That's one heck of a cross. Those are gonna be some good looken babies. CONGRATS!!!
  5. Tiger Rye

    Daedalus and Dr. O get Uncomfortably Acquainted

    LOL! Too funny. Never thought of this happening. Hopefully the blink of the eye is faster than the tongue.
  6. Tiger Rye

    Panther Craze

    She's gorgeous
  7. Tiger Rye

    Baby Sambavas Finally!

    Dad looks real good! Congrats on your stubborn babies. LOL! 14 months WOW!
  8. Tiger Rye

    Sharing pics of my other obsession...Reef Tanks!

    Wow! That is impressive. My Dad and I used to be obsessed with reef aquariums as well. You put a lot of $$$ in this thing.
  9. Tiger Rye

    It went viral!

    I gotta train my boy to wash up before dinner. That was funny.
  10. Tiger Rye

    Jacksonii, Parson , Mantis pictures

    Great pics! You got one good looking family
  11. Tiger Rye

    nosey be setup

    That's a good looken pair. Congrats!
  12. Tiger Rye


    LOVE bb panthers! Here's a pic of mine
  13. Tiger Rye

    "giant panthers"

    I was just wondering what is the Largest Panther Chameleon you have either raised or heard of? 1st Males (Length and Weight) 2nd Females (Length and Weight) Pictures welcome
  14. Tiger Rye

    Cham Weight?

    Thanks for your help. Yeah he threw a little temper tantrum. He's all bark no bite.
  15. Tiger Rye

    Cham Weight?

    My Blue Bared Ambilobe Panther Chameleon is gonna be a year old on October 17. Is 143 Grams a good weight?
  16. Tiger Rye

    My Nosy mitisio lemon

    This gives a whole new meaning to the saying: "When life gives you lemons make lemonade" More like "When life gives you lemons your one lucky little S*%t!!!"
  17. Tiger Rye

    My Nosy mitisio lemon

    I can't wait to see those pics.
  18. Tiger Rye

    My Nosy mitisio lemon

    Absolutely incredible!
  19. Tiger Rye

    Spock Jr. updates

    Stunning, absolutely Stunning!
  20. Tiger Rye

    Finished my latest build!

    Wow! That looks great. Good job
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