Beautiful piece of work you have there!
As said, ditch the habbamist! It is pants! Get yourself a mistking! Yeah, i know they're US, but they have a distributor in Poland: go there instead. I bought mine from them (as it cuts out the import tax which is horrific...
This was dug up from somewhere! I find the easiest thing is to give them a quick rub to remove loose bits, then poor boiling water over to remove all the baddies, then just leave to dry! Repeat if you feel like it! :D Simple!
Well, I thought I'd dig this thread up to say that I have actually been successful! Never thought I would be but it is really simple as you all said! My first cutting is sitting comfortably in a pot growing well with another 3 on the way!
Cheers all!
The wood size will depend a lot on how you plan to join it all together. The wood i used as 1/2" x 1.5" (roughly), so effectively a side is 1" x 1.5". Using 1x2 would be fine, but just think how're you're going to get the screen in place and whether it will look right. It's 4am here so I'll...
Should be fine mate! I used a 'soft plant twist tie' that looks to have the same consistency for my outdoor enclosure and it works great. If it's spongy then they'll grip no problem!
Let me know the sort of stuff you want to know if that makes sense? Brief dimensions are 2' x 2' x 5' for the top enclosure and 2' x 2' x 2' for the base 'planter'.
I've used wood throughout (as I can't get aluminium easily in the UK) and sandwiched the screen in between 2 frames for each...
I put these up a while ago:
The first one comes as a downloadable pdf (I really should write up the second one at some point!)
Hope they give you some ideas!
There is a very similar thread going on here:
I posted these 2 links to something I did:
I'll through in my 2 cents:
The first one i did:
The second one:
Hope that helps!
Yeah, i thought about adapting my current holders with one of those, but I didnt think that they would hold up to a full days heat from the halogen bulb being on! You think it would?
I love a good enclosure thread! I'll throw in my 2 cents! :D
My veiled's:
My panther's:
(its filled out a lot more since these photo's were taken (i'll get some more tomorrow)
The outdoor enclosure (I need to make a stand this week for it):
The 260 flexarium is the only oone you can buy (it might be called something else in the states!).
If you want something that big, just build it! :D There are lots of guides on here! I've made 2! :D
If you want a look:
Same, just aim the nozzles carefully so that the spray stays within the enclosure (making it aim downwards a bit helps). Then, the other thing to do, is aim 2 nozzles towards each other. They meet in the middle and cancel each other out somewhat so that the mist doesn't just blast out the side! :D