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  1. OldSkoolxReasons

    Handling my cham everyday...

    If the cham in question is your avatar pic I would say there is most likely calcium deficiency of some sort. You can clearly see the bend in the legs. Get him to another vet as jann suggested. Get him in the real sunlight(unfiltered by glass, or plastic) as much as possible. Good luck...
  2. OldSkoolxReasons

    identification help me please!

    One of my adult male ambilobes refused to eat crickets for nearly three months this winter and ate nothing but roaches, silkies, mantis, grasshoppers, and hornworms. Now he is stuck on crickets again and ignoring all the other feeders I offer. I just can't wait for the cicadas to start emerging...
  3. OldSkoolxReasons

    !!!!Is There Any Species Of Cham!!!!!!!!

    Male dolphins in the wild have also been known to attack and kill human beings on occasion as well. Chams are not meant to be handled. That does not mean that some will not seemingly like it, although they usually have a sneaky motive such as escaping, or getting a special treat, or being taken...
  4. OldSkoolxReasons

    Hornworm Pupal ready

    My chameleons go nuts for those moths. The only thing is it took mine 3+ months to emerge after pupation. I had 3 males and 5 females the time they actually did breed. They produces tons and tons of eggs if the do breed. Of the 4 times I had them emerge I've gotten eggs once because all the...
  5. OldSkoolxReasons

    New Wc mellers wont eat?!

    We'll if the cham doesn't eat the entire first week and is still showing no interest in food I personally would take him to the vet. yes it may be a bit premature as of yet but I like to have all new animals vet checked and tested(CB or not) in the first two weeks I have them. That way is they...
  6. OldSkoolxReasons

    New Wc mellers wont eat?!

    If I were you I'd just take him to a vet. There could be many many reasons he is not eating, stress being the most likely. But heavy parasitic infection and not liking being kept with another cham could be reasons too. Is the one that is not eating light colored most of the time or a darker...
  7. OldSkoolxReasons

    need help and advice

    They both are nice cages but the LLL ones are a little more study. I have both and I would go with a 48in. cage for an adult veiled.
  8. OldSkoolxReasons

    interesting safe plant question??

    Cannabis is poisonous to dogs and cats if eaten, I don't know the quantities they'd need to eat but it is a poisonous plant so-to-speak. I believe it would be harmful to the chameleons. Not to mention no one wants dead bugs and chameleon poop on their buds. I'd pass on the idea.
  9. OldSkoolxReasons

    Somebody please help me!!!

    Search local pets shops and explain your situation. Maybe they will let you pay for a female veiled, if they have one of adequate size, and return her within a week for a full refund. Hopefully it would not take that long. Good luck. Justin
  10. OldSkoolxReasons

    need help now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You would probably be right trace. Lol. I was just gong of what I remembered seeing them at local herp shows, probably mislabeled at that. Thanks for correcting my error.
  11. OldSkoolxReasons

    need help now !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    neither? I'm pretty sure it is a graceful chameleon. Chamaeleo gracilis. It does not look like a carpet at all and flapnecked chameleons have neck flaps. Justin
  12. OldSkoolxReasons

    discoid vs dubia

    Dubia males stay smaller thank discoids and the females tend to be smaller than discoid females. Discoids are much faster than dubia, however I believe they are meatier as nymphs as well. I actually like my discoids better than my dubia, I can't kill em. Not to mention they breed very fast. I...
  13. OldSkoolxReasons

    Early to bed??

    Does he wake up before the lights come on in the morning? Or when they come on? Because a 5-6 hour day for a cham is quite short. All mine, when they were kept indoors started getting ready for be about an hour before lights out, never 6 hours before lights out. I would have him vet checked...
  14. OldSkoolxReasons

    Tamatave Panthers...

    I am looking for some tamatave locale pardalis of both sexes. Looking for males that fire solid orange to red. Cn be WC/CH/or CB, though I know the latter two are unlikely. Let me know via PM if you know of any available. I would like to establish a breeding colony as I am seeing far to little...
  15. OldSkoolxReasons

    Suggested topicals for fungus

    Grapfruit Seed Extract has been used to treat fungal infections in melleri according to the melleri discovery website. It will also kill parasites. You would have to ask someone who has used it how to use it as I don't know if it is being used topically for the fungi, obviously it is being given...
  16. OldSkoolxReasons

    Gravid Oustaleti or confused Oustaleti?

    I'm gunna be working on updating my gallery this weekend with all new pics. I'll let you know when I get them up. I have been very selective about the males and females I have purchased. I'll let you know when the new pics are up.
  17. OldSkoolxReasons

    Wild insects

    I feed basically any edible wild bug I can catch. Mantis, stickbugs, grasshoppers, camel crickets, dragonflies, certain spiders, moths, and cicada's. My adult panthers go insane for the mantis and even more so for the cicadas. I put 8 cicadas in with my breeding pair in between their mating and...
  18. OldSkoolxReasons

    gut loading question

    I always feed my crickets/feeders good gutload/fruits and veggies high in calcium and other vitamins so I know they are good to go whenever I need to feed. If you do a search for a member names sandrachameleon she has a blog about the nutritional facts of many easy to get gutload items.
  19. OldSkoolxReasons

    Chameleon Gaping Thread

    Kent, To bad your male doesn't have the lipstick look going on. If it did he would have been an identical image of my girlfriends mother when I saw her last weekend. Lol.
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