Oh cornbread. He is on their locales page. He is quite the interesting ambilobe. Bonaroo and Q are super cool looking. I love bonaroo's patter/colors and I love the red dots/stripe Q has all over when he's fired up. I was thinking about a couple ambanja's from jim as well but ended up passing...
Yes jim does sell some dynamite animals. Thanks for the complements. Who's the sire of your little male? I know he had some available from bonaroo, beetlejuice, and Q. All three of which are stunning. I like this thread because usually when chameleons are gaping they are showing their better colors.
A couple of mine...
1st and 2nd are bruiser, a CH male ambilobe from pardalisgirl.
3rd is an adult male ambilobe sired by Honcho at the cham co.(this pic is about 5 months old, he has since turned completely yellow and orange just like his father)
4th is a CH male ambilobe from the...
Don' worry. I missed it with a female I recently moved outdoors. She just turned 14 months and has never been bred/laid infertiles and now is showing gravid coloration literally a week after I put her outside during this warm and rainy week. I was really excited to breed her as I have been...
Keeping her in vision of the male could have caused her to produce eggs and you may have missed the rather short receptive period before she technically became gravid with infertile eggs. I have heard that seeing a male repeatedly can trigger a female to make eggs, fertile or not depending on if...
As far as species stereotypes go I'd say I've heard of oustalets being friendly and meller's are sometimes nice. Alot of my panthers are very aggressive but there are a few that actually like me. Over all I'd say pygmies are the friendliest because I have only been bitten by one ever out of the...
One of my many bearded pygmies had a bad broken leg when I received him. It was impossible to do anything with as it was about 1/8th of an inch from his armpit right above the joint. It has since healed and now his leg is just very oddly shaped. He gets around fine. It never stopped him from...
Oh, well I guess it's different when you buy 100 crickets at a time. I'm buying them 5,000 at a time when I decide to break down and let the little vermin into my house. Lol.
Honestly crickets as sandra has said are not worth breeding unless you are expecting hatchling and need pinheads. I did it for years until I got my dubia/discoids/hissers and now the only sounds I head are the scurrying of thousands of roaches when I turn the lights on in the morning. Cricket...
Here's a pic where you can see him changing somewhat. You can still see his blue bars a little on his back left. Generally he has navy/darker blue bars.
I have an 11 month old male that has deep navy bars at res at very very vibrant blue bars with an orange and yellow background when fired up however when he sleeps and when he is mating he is completely yellow with reddish pink bars very similar to yours. I don't get it but I still call him a...
Most likely he was being aggressive towards your hand. My males get very aggressive when I put females in their cages but only until I close the cage. then they get their business done.
My male that is over 2 years old has slowly but surely been getting longer. He is now 17 inches long and at a year and a half he was 14 inches long. So he grew 3 inches this year. I'm pretty sure he's about maxed out though. Ambilobes are on the smaller side for panthers if you as me. The...
I believe you have calculated it wrong. There is no way your panther weighs more than 3 lbs. The average weight for an adult male panther is between 130 and 200 grams I believe. Parson's chameleons can get over 600 grams but they are behemoths. You may want to weight him again.
I've fed mice to my panthers once or twice. But they were hoppers. They offer alot more nutritional value than pinkies as they have calcified bones and such. Pinkies are fat blobs and way high in protein. feeding them too often could theoretically cause gout. I only have two chams that will...
I keep mine in the seventies if i want normal growth and low to mid 80's for accelerated growth. Idk why but condensation and humidity seems to kill my hornworms.
I've never had problems with bacteria and hornworms, silkworms on the other hand die very easily if not sterile. I have found hornworms crawling around on the floor days after my pods were empty and fed them collard greens until they were the desired size without them dyeing. They are very hardy...
Is there condensation in the container. I've had a hornworm or two turn black and die from it being to wet in the container. I still fed off the other ones without worrying too much. Also what temps are the hornworms kept at?