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  1. OldSkoolxReasons

    Picture Update

    That's a pretty thick tail base/first part of tail for a she but I don't really see anywhere for a bulge to go. If you get a closer up pic from the side of the tail area it will be alot easier for some of the people on here who are good at sexing to tell. I am not really one of those people but...
  2. OldSkoolxReasons

    Is it ok to put outside for a few hours

    It was about 65ish here in michigan today and I had as many of my chams as I could find trees to put them on out today in my back yard. In my back yard I have all the old trees from their enclosures planted randomly so they have mini free range tree spots. The trees are all 5ft-9ft high. I used...
  3. OldSkoolxReasons

    Where in the world do you all keep the massive amounts of pets!?

    My basement can fit plenty of chameleon cages and frog set ups. I have lots of dart frogs, panther chameleons, and random other frogs/reptiles. When the summer hits It's like heaven being able to sit in the basement and not catch a hornworm or a cricket making its way across the floor...
  4. OldSkoolxReasons

    Goliath Worms?

    Also you can put them into a container the afternoon before feeding them off and they will eat certain veggies and leafy greens. I've fed them red peppers/green peppers, collar greens, dandelion greens, kale, lettuce, grated carrots , sliced celery and just about anything else you can get cut...
  5. OldSkoolxReasons

    Frogs and Toads - pictures

    I love the dart frogs. I only keep probably 20 darts total right now but used to have alot more. They are amazing frogs. I always loved the blue and bronze auratus most. And my old histrionicus of course.
  6. OldSkoolxReasons

    Fun new pictures!

    Your sambava is going to look insane when he is older. Where did you get him from? Alot of times they look basically green with a little yellow until they are almost full grown but not your little one.
  7. OldSkoolxReasons


    All chameleons have different personalities. I have lots of panther chams and the majority of them like to bite. All but one or two will let me pick them up but they will puff up and bite if I move at normal speed instead of slow motion. I do have a few that love to come out and hang out on my...
  8. OldSkoolxReasons

    How to get a male to realise he likes the girls???

    Someone also told me to show my male another male when he wouldn't breed but it didn't work on this particular male. He is such a nice cham that he didn't fire up at the other male even when the other male was hissing and going crazy. It has worked once or twice for me though, however it could...
  9. OldSkoolxReasons

    How to get a male to realise he likes the girls???

    When you introduce the female place her about 6 inches in front of the male facing him s she is forced to walk past him. If she gets that close it may trigger him. Sometimes they are just lazy. Only do this if he isn't generally aggressive though so he doesn't attack her.
  10. OldSkoolxReasons

    Goliath Worms?

    peel them off by grabbing them in the back 1/4th of their body and start peeling towards the head. They don't get hurt easily and if they are getting fed of anyways it shouldn't be a problem.
  11. OldSkoolxReasons

    Can anyone tell me about frogs :)?

    Get vietnamese mossy frogs. They are very hardy and a super amazing frog. Look them up and let me know. I can give you all the care requirements for them. I have kept all types of frogs for years except the more common ones like the three you mentioned. The exotic ones get my eyes. Dart frogs...
  12. OldSkoolxReasons

    Looking for a new, interesting species to keep...

    Thanks for all the suggestions everybody. I'm going to have to research everything available and make my decision. I'd prefer captive bred but I have a good vet so WC isn't much of an issue. I'll be looking into what I am getting and should make a decision in the next day or two and I'll let you...
  13. OldSkoolxReasons

    Looking for a new, interesting species to keep...

    So recently I have been thinking ofexpanding my chameleon collection. Currently I have 8 adult male panther chameleons and 15 adult females and tons and tons of eggs in all stages of incubation. I have 16 bearded pygmies, only because I couldn't get them to stop breeding due to my lack of sexing...
  14. OldSkoolxReasons

    Any Chamaeleolis out there?

    Don't know if this site is current of not but they have them for sale. $500 per animal. I used to know a guy if california who kept them. I have to get his number from my ex and give him a call. IF he is still...
  15. OldSkoolxReasons

    aggressive male, breeding problem

    Your female looks to be the right size from what I can tell but It's impossible to see without a ruler or her weight but the male looks young. Say 7 or 8 months old(just my guess). I have had younger males in the 8-10 month range react very weird to females. Some act very aggressively at random...
  16. OldSkoolxReasons

    Right weight?

    Personally I have waited until my panthers were in the 70grams and above weight range to breed them. A 50 gram female seems so small to me and just didn't seem possible to breed her even though she was receptive. However man people just wait until they are a year old. By them most are pretty...
  17. OldSkoolxReasons


    I know more then a couple of people who have been keeping chams for quite some time who feed wild caught grasshoppers off during the summer months without too much of an issue. Pancur works wonders for certain worms and has little to no effect on your chameleon. I fed off wild caught...
  18. OldSkoolxReasons

    finding silkies

    You can get 25 of them from for like 7 bucks plus shipping if that helps.
  19. OldSkoolxReasons

    superworm breeding

    My containers are opaque so it isn't a problem for me. I don't know if it is seeing each other as much as the constant contact of other worms that stops them from pupating while together. Seeing each other may be a problem since the reason they don't pupate is due to high cannibalism rates when...
  20. OldSkoolxReasons

    superworm breeding

    I use the little side cups you would get salsa in from a cafeteria. They do not have holes in the lids and every generation of mine have done fine. Easiest thing in the world to breed once you get them going. Plus nearly every cham I have goes nuts for the freshly molted beetles. good luck with...
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