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  1. camaleonte82

    Hip Bones/health problems????

    Chameleon Info: Your Chameleon - Veiled, Female, 7-8 months old, 6.5 months Handling - Daily Feeding - Dubias, Crix, Mealworms, Silkworms. Crix and Dubias are staple and feeding varies from day to day on whether is a mixture of bugs or just one kind. Gutload- fresh fruits and veggies...
  2. camaleonte82

    Hibiscus Questions

    our hibiscus do this as well.... on a side note. i can never look at hibiscus blooms without getting thirsty bc of this;-Hibiscus_54
  3. camaleonte82

    Other breeds of lizards
  4. camaleonte82

    kill usps

    its happened to us a couple times. thats why everytime we tell usps that they are paying for the cost of our delivery or we will sue them. they pay us everytime and after like 3 or so times we can tell who is working bc they have learned not to mess with us..... now my big stink with them is if...
  5. camaleonte82

    Other breeds of lizards

    we live in PA and we ordered ours all the way from Washington state. we found an amazing breeder and i absolutely love her beardies. she is great to work with and has gorgeous lines, i would recommend her in a heartbeat
  6. camaleonte82

    Other breeds of lizards

    Bearded Dragons can move alot faster than most people realize. the harness and leash is to keep them from escaping when you have them out... we have one for our little guy but dont use it inside. only if he gets to go outside. and the dragons dont really mind it. like laurie said, they are the...
  7. camaleonte82

    Gnarly crown

    nothing is coming up :( Edit: i see it now lol
  8. camaleonte82

    Other breeds of lizards

    thats what i did and we got the same results as you lol i have to agree with you there. Beardies are deff like the lizard version of dogs and puppies... and i think Chams are the Cat/Kitten version lol.
  9. camaleonte82

    The Best Hybrids! :)

    OMG!!! hes GORGEOUS! Does he have any babies!? please say yes and that they are for sale lol
  10. camaleonte82

    Chameleon sprayer!

    we sell those where i work and one day someone bought one and one of my co-workers said "oh no! hes taking one of your babies!!!" lol
  11. camaleonte82

    Other breeds of lizards

    i have never had an issue with any of my chams or beardies. IMO they are exactly the same in that you have to handle them to get them used to you before they will allow it. i have heard of mean chams and beardies and people loving chams and beardies. my friend has anoles that wont get near a...
  12. camaleonte82

    New Pet

    thats what im starting to realize! someone on another forum sent me a link to a border collie website and honestly. he looks like a smooth coated red BC through and through. i didnt know they could look like that lol.
  13. camaleonte82

    The Best Hybrids! :)

  14. camaleonte82

    New Pet

    we are near Indiana PA. and thanks everyone! a dog was not in the plan at all but when we saw this guy behind the bars of the kennel we just knew he belonged on our couch! lol. hes so sweet and loving. i just cant believe someone would let him sit in the pound instead of taking him home and...
  15. camaleonte82

    New Pet

    as you may or may not know we volunteer at the animal shelter. well. in the midst of deciding a new pet we made our decision when we fell in love.... Meet Stewie
  16. camaleonte82


    I uprooted my whole life. i moved from home for the first time in my life from Mississippi to Pennsylvania. i have no family here and my family back home rarely speaks to me anymore. i had only one person here and that was not enough. my pets helped. but they were slowly obtained as i lived...
  17. camaleonte82

    Charlie's Free Range

    lol. maybe they pay their rent with crickets :D haha
  18. camaleonte82

    So... I ate my cricket gutload today...

    my fiance brings home all sorts of veggies specifically for the beardie and crickets and such... i end up cooking/eating half lol
  19. camaleonte82

    Contest Theme Suggestion

    Chameleons eating/drinking? getting that oh so difficult shot of your cham shooting for lunch!
  20. camaleonte82

    scared of my hair!

    love the hair! my fiance and i have dyed ours numerous times (mostly me) name a color i had it... but i havent touched my dirty blonde since we got the chams... im way overdue... dont think i'll be doing that tho lol
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