Hello! I have two male panthers, one is a 3mo Ambilobe and the other is a 5mo Nosy Faly. I've been keeping record of their weight since I got them and it seems in the past two-three weeks they have both gained a noticable amount of weight. They don't look over-weight they've just lost their baby...
Hello, I was wondering if someone could tell me how old my boy Sully is, he weighs about 10g now before feeding.. He's a male Ambilobe, I think he's around 3 months? Any insight would be awesome!:)
Hi! Does she eat any other worms? One of my chams refused to eat any worms then one day started to love them.. He can't resist them now. It may be a phase! :)
Maybe try offering them in the morning? She may be more inclined to eat them then. Just my opinion though!
He sounds sassy haha! I don't think theres any way to tell now if he'll grow out of it... All I can suggest is to start trying to hand feed him, slowly! Theres a great hand feeding thread on this forum if you search for it, food association is a good way to bond. If they don't want to be handled...