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  1. CarlyMK

    What is wrong wih my chameleon !! ??

    Pictures would be helpful as well! Cham if you got em!
  2. CarlyMK

    Panther Chameleon Growth Chart Wanted!!

    Hello! I have two male panthers, one is a 3mo Ambilobe and the other is a 5mo Nosy Faly. I've been keeping record of their weight since I got them and it seems in the past two-three weeks they have both gained a noticable amount of weight. They don't look over-weight they've just lost their baby...
  3. CarlyMK

    interesting video has alot of chameleons

    Thanks for sharing!
  4. CarlyMK

    Stopped coming out.

    Sounds like he may be hitting his terrible teens ahah imo, maybe someone else will chime in.
  5. CarlyMK

    Is my female veiled healthy??

    You should fill out the help form so the members can help you!
  6. CarlyMK

    happy birthday

    She is beautiful! wow!
  7. CarlyMK

    Comment by 'CarlyMK' in 'Silk Worm Rearing and Breeding part 3'

    So much help! I'm just wondering how I'll be able to tell when they're ready to spin? Do they get rid of unneeded liquids in their bodies? Thanks!
  8. CarlyMK

    Silk worm rearing and breeding guide

    Thank you! I've been waiting for this!! :)
  9. CarlyMK

    Greetings from the north

    Welcome! This forum is great to build contacts and get information, I'm also from Canada!
  10. CarlyMK

    He's almost back to normal

    He's beautiful!
  11. CarlyMK

    Hornworm/Panther Issue

    You can try offering them in the morning, may be more willing to snatch them up!
  12. CarlyMK

    How old is my boy? (Pic)

    Thats good to hear, I thought he was a bit of a shrimp for his age... I was concerned he wasn't growing fast enough! Thank you :)
  13. CarlyMK

    How old is my boy? (Pic)

    Hello, I was wondering if someone could tell me how old my boy Sully is, he weighs about 10g now before feeding.. He's a male Ambilobe, I think he's around 3 months? Any insight would be awesome!:)
  14. CarlyMK

    Eye bulging and closed.

    The photo is not focused on him
  15. CarlyMK

    Stanley enjoying a superworm this morning...

    Wow he's beautiful!
  16. CarlyMK

    No likey wormy

    Hi! Does she eat any other worms? One of my chams refused to eat any worms then one day started to love them.. He can't resist them now. It may be a phase! :) Maybe try offering them in the morning? She may be more inclined to eat them then. Just my opinion though!
  17. CarlyMK

    female veiled eating kale

    I heard kale is only supposed to be offered once in a while because it decreases the amount of calcium absorbed??
  18. CarlyMK

    prouding presently

    Love the pic! Wouldn't mind seeing more!
  19. CarlyMK

    bad boy of the clutch?

    He sounds sassy haha! I don't think theres any way to tell now if he'll grow out of it... All I can suggest is to start trying to hand feed him, slowly! Theres a great hand feeding thread on this forum if you search for it, food association is a good way to bond. If they don't want to be handled...
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